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Some codexes apparently got updated errata/ formations and such.

These did not include BA it seems, but hey - it did include SM and DA!:(



Remember when i told everyone that some people at GW have a teeth against BA....this only proove it.... !

Theres no proof of anything yet, http://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Rules-Errata doesnt have any of the december 2015 errata yet.

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Some codexes apparently got updated errata/ formations and such.


These did not include BA it seems, but hey - it did include SM and DA!




Remember when i told everyone that some people at GW have a teeth against BA....this only proove it.... !


Never ascribe to malice what can be accounted for by incompetence.


Absence of evidence is not itself evidence.




Basically, it proves nothing of the sort. There are any number of conceivable reasons why our codex wouldn't have been included ranging from they're trying extra hard to get ours right, but didn't feel it was ready to put out yet to the dev team genuinely don't think there's anything that warrants correcting (this is more likely than the former, I'll grant you).




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Some codexes apparently got updated errata/ formations and such.


These did not include BA it seems, but hey - it did include SM and DA!



Remember when i told everyone that some people at GW have a teeth against BA....this only proove it.... !

It really doesn't.

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Some codexes apparently got updated errata/ formations and such.


These did not include BA it seems, but hey - it did include SM and DA!




Remember when i told everyone that some people at GW have a teeth against BA....this only proove it.... !


Never ascribe to malice what can be accounted for by incompetence.


Absence of evidence is not itself evidence.




Basically, it proves nothing of the sort. There are any number of conceivable reasons why our codex wouldn't have been included ranging from they're trying extra hard to get ours right, but didn't feel it was ready to put out yet to the dev team genuinely don't think there's anything that warrants correcting (this is more likely than the former, I'll grant you).






If it is Incompetence, then i would gladly present my resume to GW, for you see, more than a customer, i'm also a jobseeker, and when i see people who are incompetent or who dislike their job, then i would be more than happy to have theirs.


By the way, i really intend to wrote a paper of superior quality to present in details to the GW shareholders all the Marketing non-sense of the Company...after all, i have the time for it^^, and i'm sure that many of those Shareholder will be more than interrested in what will be explained in such report....


Here are some exemple :


Fantasy : Marketing Target ? => How to attract people with over-costed miniature, while Age of Sigmar is designed to be the Flag Bearer supposed to attract younger customers....


40k :


The Great Master Plan continues: cutting costs, becoming more efficient, providing excellent returns on capital and paying dividends.We do not set out to pay dividends, we set out to run an efficientcompany that uses money wisely. We knowwe are doing that well when we have more money than we need; this becomes your dividend.


Citation from the GW 2015 Chairman Report


I have so many exemple of non efficient releases, of unwise use of the company ressources, that i will be more than easier to litteraly rip apart this Chairman Report part.


30k : In recent time, it seems that GW have finally understoof the great opportunity that their FW branch could offer....better late than never^^.


(Edit : Well, i must admit that i'm not familiar with the English Financial/Accountant Report presentation, it will be hard if i want to do it right^^).

Edited by Frater Antodeniel
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Antodeniel I applaud your enthusiasm, I really do! But you could send 1000 FAQs to GW that you and maybe even the whole community perceive as "better" than the actual codex, but GW just don't care.


At the recent open day it was said that rules come after models - they just aren't a priority to the company.


They absolutely do not hate the BA - they just don't want to spend the man power updating a book for no profit via a free FAQ when they can release a shiny new one in a year or two and get money from it.

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Antodeniel I applaud your enthusiasm, I really do! But you could send 1000 FAQs to GW that you and maybe even the whole community perceive as "better" than the actual codex, but GW just don't care.


At the recent open day it was said that rules come after models - they just aren't a priority to the company.


They absolutely do not hate the BA - they just don't want to spend the man power updating a book for no profit via a free FAQ when they can release a shiny new one in a year or two and get money from it.


Thanks Charlo =)


But even if they don't care about the FAQ point, and even if "Rules come after models", in their Business Model that you can find on their website, it said :


"The games are a key part of both our Hobby and our business model. Our games are played between people present in a room (a Hobby centre, a club, a school), not with a screen. They are truly social and build a real sense of community and comradeship. This again makes good business sense. The more fun and enjoyable we make our games, the more customers we attract and retain, and the more miniatures our customers want to buy. This in turn allows us to reinvest in making more and more exciting miniatures and games, which creates a virtuous circle for all."


So even if rules are second, they have to take care of it, and more important, from an accountant point of view, to make the Rules and the Models walk together.


For what shock me, isn't the fact that GW won't release any FAQ, nor that they release half-finished codex, no, the problem is the Fact that Model and Rules, in the exemple of the BA codex, don't walk together. Their is no coherence in this, and without it, you erode you market target.


For exemple, as a Blood Angels, i will not by the next BA codex or Supplement Blindly. I will first Download it on the net and see what is inside....so you see, when a company erode its marketing target, it loose future profit opportunities....coherence is the keyword for unlocking continuity, and in the recent years, GW have loose coherence on many things.


Thanks again for your compliment. =)

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So even if rules are second, they have to take care of it, and more important, from an accountant point of view, to make the Rules and the Models walk together.


For what shock me, isn't the fact that GW won't release any FAQ, nor that they release half-finished codex, no, the problem is the Fact that Model and Rules, in the exemple of the BA codex, don't walk together. Their is no coherence in this, and without it, you erode you market target.


Mate, I don't think many of us (if any at all) disagree with you completely about stuff like this (some will be in almost total agreement). Certainly I look on baffled by much of the way they do their business and think it will sink them in the long run (though apparently people have been saying that since before I was born), but it hasn't done so yet and they haven't shown much sign of wanting to change, As such it's just not worth getting worked up about. Your passion, as Charlo said, is commendable, but you do seem to be howling into the void somewhat - the void will never give you anything back, certainly not in the way that you want.


I'm far from a Christian but the words of the Serenity Prayer are always worth bearing in mind "[Lord] Grant me the serenity/strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the one from the other". Can't speak for all the others on the forum, but I certainly view GWs attitude/approach as something I cannot really change so I don't expend effort on trying to make them. Passively I send what little message I can by not giving them my money unless I think they've really earned it.


I won't tell you not to bombard them with FAQ's and ideas, things like that, but I sense a frustration in your posts that's only likely to grow because I can't see them taking substantive action over the things you'd like them to or even responding to you in anything but a perfunctory, generic customer service way. In light of that I'd urge you to consider whether this is the best use of your energies. If I'm totally off base or way out of line then I hold my hands up to that and you can tell me where to go. Just something worth thinking about.



Regarding 'incompetence' maybe I'm overstating it a touch by saying that, it's more that the things that we identify as issues or problematic either don't occur to them or they don't consider them in the same way  and so they aren't a priority for them, especially when they've got x number of other things the management are telling them to focus on.


If it feels like BA get a particularly raw deal, I'd suggest it's because we're probably one of the smaller factions and thus they give us less attention, focusing more on bigger shinier things, Of course that can be a self fulfilling prophecy (the Sisters of Battle would certainly be able to weigh in on that), but, so long as they don't perceive it as actively hurting them, they'll not change tack.



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Sockwithaticket :


Thanks for your consideration and solicitude about my "vain" efforts^^. On this point i rassure you, for i never wait any return for my actions. (That spare me the disapointment that some "reward" or lack of rewards can bring).


Since i'm a french jobseeker, with little opportunities within my country (For France is France.....), i do have time to read warhammer fluff, imagining things...etc. So, since i have time to do such things, i do it. =)


For the "Frustration part", yes, indeed, there is some frustration. For, being a young jobseeker, an office worker of formation (i like paper, secretary and accountant formation after all^^), it make me angry to see half done work do by people who care little for what they do or who do not love their job. So, frustration is real when you want to work, aren't recognize for your quality as worker, and that you see people who have work but don't love it and do crap work....those situation are frustrating, and i see a lot every week. (Even today, i was at the phone with someone that explain me that a request wasn't complete since the person i had seen had litteraly forget to do her 5 min change on database....more, in some public agencies, i've seen peoples speaking on work time for 30min about their last weekend, while i was waiting, in plain view, for a little request of 2min, that have been painfully done with the expression of boredom of the employes...)


Personnaly, when i have to do something, i don't look if i have to work extra-time, for i like the job well done, coherent, and the Blood Angels codex, in many aspect is a half finished work.


You know, in the end i don't really care that much for GW....etc, i love Blood Angels miniature and fluff, the community....etc, but i don't forget the reality of this world, and i know that the time when we will all do war instead of playing it will come soon.


The actual world isn't so far from 40k....for war is everywhere, and soon everyone will have to defend what they hold dear. It is sad, but the madness of this world have only one end....war.


Finally, on a more happy thing, i enjoy painting, playing, writing, debating, arguing....etc on Warhammer things, and i'm working time to time, on an Exsanguinators Codex (My vision of the Blood Angels codex, that i intend to of a better quality than the datasheet i propose to everyone judgment).

Edited by Frater Antodeniel
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Does anyone know what ANY of the changes are yet? I'm getting squat from the GW site and I only buy the hard copies. But hearing that GW fixed some their more inane rules mistakes (cough cough Ravenwing in DA anyone?...) would give me a least a little hope for our future
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So far it's only the DA Ravenwing Detachment HQ issue that's fixed/changed. I hope the FAQs are just WIPs of incoming work that have accidentally been let loose into the wild by some IT buffoon. But yeah, I don't feel lucky enough to expect anything for BA either way.
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Well, there's a FAQ for Shield of Baal now:



Page 49 – The Defenders of the Cathedrum, Formation

Change the first unit in this Formation to:

‘1 Assault Terminator Squad’

It's good to see BA's most pressing issues are being addressed... :smile.:

Edited by RedemptionNL
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Well, exterminatus has been updated, so apparently we are getting some FAQs to that, at least?


This was a correction to the Defenders of Carthedrum Formation. It changed Terminator Squad to Terminator Assault Squad (to bring it inline with the picture coupled to the Formation).

A link to a zip with all the FAQs so far:



Which hopefully strengthens the fact that it's a work in progress. The GK FAQ is even for the previous codex instead of the current one.

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