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Having a few extra free days around the holidays, so time to get painting. Finally finished my squad of Sanguinary Guard:




Badly lighted mobile phone picture, but I'm taking better shots when the sun is up tomorrow. :smile.: I love this squad on the tabletop, Dante is such a boss. The current killcount record of 5 SG + Priest + Dante is 54 Orks in a single match (a combination of Lootas, 'Ard Boyz, Stormboyz and Nobz) without losing a single guy. :smile.:


And my next project is currently assembled and having its coat of primer drying so I can paint it tomorrow: :smile.:



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a lil bit pre x mas?! :wink:

I used to play Magic the Gathering, and it turns out that all the crappy cards I had lying around for years are worth over $200... So I bought these kits, plus 2 BA Tactical kits, some more glue, and several VMC paints. I sure am glad I didn't just toss those cards in the trash (which I actually almost did)!!


Look for my slow moving Lamenters army in 2016!!


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Yeah, MtG is crazy like that. I have a few friends that play it in grand tournaments and stuff, and they once told me that if you have an unopened box of booster packs from one of the earlier editions, they sell for thousands. For a box of paper cards! Always makes me feel better about spending money on actual models. :tongue.:
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And better pictures of the finished Sanguinary Guard:


The sword guys:



Detail of the back:



The AP2 guys. The one on the left has been removed from the default line-up and has been replaced by the powerfist guy because the axe wielder now looks too much like Dante (which I painted up after), hence the use of the same bits/pose. But I'm sure he'll come in useful whenever I want to switch around wargear.



And the whole team together:


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Those Sanguinary Guard look boss, RedemptionNL!! I especially love the bright blending on the glaves and the jump pack thrusters. Really inspiring work.


I'm still sitting on a load of MTG cards waiting to buy more models with!!


I've asked for two BA Tac squads for the holidays, which I am almost certain I will get (along with a couple Kolinsky brushes!! Woot). And I am still waiting on the Shapeways Lamenter pauldrons I ordered, but I am not expecting them until early next year. Off to prime a few test subjects and get this project rolling!!


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Thanks guys!




Managed to do the airbrush work on the drop pod today. These things are a pain to mask and paint, but they're so iconic you really want a few in your army, no? I dread that I need to assemble and paint at least two more though.

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The colours look a little off to me - especially the red which looks kinda pinkish, but that could just be the picture - but there's no denying the absolute masterly brushwork. It almost looks like a computer render of a 3d model instead of a painted one!
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