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I played Baal Strike force with

Dante Astorath


1 x 10 DC with PF

2 x 20 DC with PF and TH

1 x CC Scouts

1 x Sniper Scouts

Ravenwing Strike Force

with ML Libby on Bike

1 x 5 RW Command with apo

2 x 3 Biker with 2x Grav


Necs Turn 1



i left everything in reserve and deployed my scouts out of LoS.

In his first turn he came forwards with his 2 x 10 Praetorians. In my first i captured an objektive with my cc scouts.

On my second turn the complete Ravenwing outflanked on his right flank and killed 8 Lynchguard.

The Deathcompany jumped in his backfield exept one dc squad wich i should have also have to put in his neck.

He Intercepted with 10 Deathmarks and Killed 3 of dantes dc squad.

Necron warriors in the back killed 6 DC in astoraths squad. No fives on FNP :/

The last dc jumped in the middle. That was a big mistake cause the second praetorians squad killed 9 from 10 DC.

In his thrid turn he attacked dantes squad with his deathmarks but only loosed 3. Lost the leadership test but he could reroll it because of the lord in reach. So that i had to hit and run out of combat. In the following turns i only managed to destroy the immortalsuqad with the lord in it. The rest of my guys killed itself (Plasma talons killed the apo) or got mopped up by the remaining praetorians and necron warriors. Astoraths squad could not destroy a lousy warrior squad. He had an ark nearby so the few slayn warriors got ressurected each turn.


If i din´t would have made the mistake to deploy the last dc squad in the middle it could have turn the game. but this time the necrons didnt want to die and my dc misseed nearly every FNP throw.


What i learned. Concentrate your assaults on units. throw in 2 cc units rather than one in each combat.

Grav biker and Plasma talons worked well.

The DA Librarian was usefull although i wanted some other power than the rage one.


Necrons are most of the time an uphill battle so you have to play very tactical rather than in your face style.

Edited by Riot Earp
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I've been playing with AK Interactive effects on my Stormraven. Somewhat trial and error but I'm pretty happy with how it's coming along. Nearly there now!

Did you sort the canopy out?

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@ Riot Earp: correct! I've been using Dark Mud, Grey Wash and Fresh Oil.


Sounds like bad luck against the Crons - my DC always tear through Warriors like they're tin foil! Did you not get 3+ armour saves as well as FNP?


@ Jolemai: to my delight (and somewhat embarrassment) I found the original bits! I used Tamiya Clear Green on the inside - applied a bit too heavy but the pilot looks really cool through it. Might take some pics before I finish the model and post em here...

Edited by LutherMax
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I didn´t wanted to buy me 2 new Assault squads for only two Eviscerators.

Every Marine player has some powerfists in his bitzbox so that was a cheap option for me. :)

Hope the swords did not look to misproportioned but i wanted the bulky look an eviscerator should have.

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Looks similar to my green too :) although mine was just the old dark green ink:




To make the crew show up I did a heavy dry brushing of light green and white in stages too, to make it look like the light of a console was on them. Very basic and messy OSL :P

Edited by Charlo
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I didn´t wanted to buy me 2 new Assault squads for only two Eviscerators.

Every Marine player has some powerfists in his bitzbox so that was a cheap option for me. :smile.:

Hope the swords did not look to misproportioned but i wanted the bulky look an eviscerator should have.

You could always get Kromlech's Ripper set. 2 BIG chainswords and couple bigger than a standard one (plus a couple of large powerswords, but who needs those). Kitbash with some GK parts =







LutherMax - that's a great look. The Blue-green heat staining on the assault cannon barrels looks great too, compliments the canopy well while also being a little bit different to what you usually see.

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The green tinted glass looks amazing!! I will be using it once I get (as in, buy, assemble, and begin to paint) the 2 StormRavens for my army.

Question about the product: If you layer it even more, can you get the effect to look clear without showing the interior of the cockpit??


I will be allying a Skyhammer force in my army, seems only fitting, Lamenters being a fleet based chapter and all... and I really like the twin chainsword/powerfist kit bash you did there, Riot Earp!! Very creative, and well executed.


It has been 'clear' outside here, as in, NOT raining, so I am pushing to get the first 5 Tactical Marines built and primed today (three more to complete) before the bad weather inevitably returns... And fingers crossed the postman brings my bits today so I can have a Storm Shield for my Terminator Librarian!! After that, finish building the new Chaplain model and his accompanying Death Company. Man, I got a lot of work ahead of me!! Maybe I ought to start a WiP thread for it all...


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For the green glass I used Tamiya Clear Green, just painted it on the inside of the canopies. I used one quite thick coat whereas two thinner coats would probably have been better - but I'm happy with the result. I sprayed the crew white from in front and below to give the effect of a dark cockpit lit by the controls.
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