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It happened to me, but not as bad. If you use super glue on the edges, it does something to the air inside the canopy and will frost it if you're not careful. Plastic glue works better. It's the reason I just painted the canopies on the second stormraven I painted.

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PVA is the best glue for clear plastic parts. I don't think it detracts much from the awesome model though - I really like the areas of targeted shading on the red panels, and the bits you've picked out in black look cool too.


I'm gonna re-base mine and try to take some pics with less harsh lighting...

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Lost my canopies from my DC stormraven also in an glue fight to death. XD


Today i have a campaign battle on the homeplanet of the chaos space marines.

They got allot of boni like 20 % more troops. I choosed the homeplanet because my CSM opponent is not the best player and i wanted to give him an advantage.


Will report how it went!

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EPIC GAME OF 40K VS NIDS. We played maelstrom of war, 1500 points a piece and everything happened! My libby turned into a daemon prince! I was using the FTSF and got the 10+" charge off with a tactical into his mawloc, vet sgt with power fist got 3 hits and rolled all 1s to wound lol. Game lasted 5 turns ended 7-6 for the BA and we each had about 500 points left on the field. Great, great game! Edited by Dolchiate Remembrancer
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Bs4 and WS4 scout bikers might be worth taking. I used them sometimes in 5th edition to get accurate deep strike, snares, and threaten a flank and disrupt deployment of the enemy. But they usually died first turn or two, and I couldn't count on them with melta bombs or power fist/weapon, even with grenade launchers, to keep units tired up or create enough pressure on an extreme flank. They needed the camo bonuses AND the bike movement to be worth it.


Blasted phone.


Also, I finished the colors on 12 terminators and am done with washes apart from parchments. Highlights elsewhere being done. I've saved the tilt shield for last so I can do heraldry similar to how the Tale of Painters blog did it earlier this week.

Edited by Father Mapple
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Scout bikes are pretty rad in a small unit. Unload rapid fire grenades and have fun. Just a big shame they are only BS3.


99pts for 3 bikers, 2 grenade launchers, combi grav/plasma/melta, cluster mines and melta bomb.


The combination of Scout and Infiltrate and bike essentially lets them deploy anywhere on the table further than 12" from the enemy, or be within melta range/side armour by the end of their first movement phase. They seem quite fun!

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I can confirm with certainty that dropping a vindicator pie plate on the skulltaker's head is both satisfying and good for your health. Is that thing an independent character? He wasn't joined to a local squad of Chaos SM possessed which is why he died an instant death.


Also, running two 8 man squads of DC with Dante and Mephy in "The Relic" mission essentially turns into an American football game of "run interference". Two Space Wolf dreads assaulting Mephy and basically lost me plenty of DCs trying to keep Meph alive. BTW, 2 game turns of unsuccessful Sanguine sword is pretty depressing. Lots of dead DC everywhere until the sanguine sword power goes off on turn 3 and the now lonely Mephiston kills both dreads in the same combat round. He then proceeds to die in the opponents next turn to that really cheesy ice cannon on the storm wolf. However Dante jumps in to capture the relic and wins me the game!


Also hilarious was Dante hit&run-ing into the melee twice with quickening to get enough strength 7 attacks to knock a few hull points off some dreads. The 3++ inv save on whatever the shield/axe dread was really deflates my mojo!

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Today I realised we will eventually have a BA Horus Heresy Transfer sheet to the standard the other Legions have been getting. It's going to be insane.

I'll be so happy when our time in the Forge World sun finally comes around. It's been a long wait for their books to finally get around to Signus. Fear To Tread came out over three years ago!

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