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Chaos star? Heresy!


8 got themed dice too, so you're awesome too. Lol.


I got some 16mm dice with squared corners because those chessex dice (like the GW 12mm ones) roll 1s 20 percent of the time, compared to the 16.6 they should. Saw a real math graduate paper on it where they rolled hundreds of kinds of dice 10k times total. My luck is bad enough as it is!


But anyway, I got 20 that are black with red pips, 20 red with black pips, and 10 copper with white pips, since my elites use copper and not gold trim. Then the tin of blood Angel dice from GW. But having themed dice is so nice. Helps when I have an assault squad with different weapons, a priest, and Dante all together, shooting and assaulting, but I can roll in big batches and know which color is who.

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I didn't think I had THAT much BA...


Adding up what I have painted to a decent standard and what I also want to paint is currently approaching the 4k mark.


....This is not including most of my older crappily painted models O.O

Battleforged only, remember ;)

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I didn't think I had THAT much BA...


Adding up what I have painted to a decent standard and what I also want to paint is currently approaching the 4k mark.


....This is not including most of my older crappily painted models O.O

Battleforged only, remember ;)

BSF and a FTSF :P 4HQs is not enough.


Starting to wish I'd bought 2 more storm Ravens for the lols....

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Continuing with the scouts and scout bikes.


Having stumbled across my buddy Skink's old painting thread, where he painted the entire DA 5th company in a year. has really motivated me to try and equal this and get my company done. As soon as these scouts are out of the way...

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^^ How do what perform? BA as a whole, or particular units?


Pick your favourite army, ignore the rules. Pick the coolest looking units. If you go for rules alone, when they change (and they will), you'll stop enjoying the army.


In terms of how they perform, the answer is entirely subjective and dependent on your local meta game. Some people say they're weak and bad, some kick ass with them.


Ultimately, the army is only as good as the general.

Edited by Xenith
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I finished 12 terminators yesterday by spraying them with my sealant. DONE looking at those guys for the past two months. But that's 5 lightning claw assault terminators, and 7 tacticals, including heavy flamer, assault cannon, sergeant, chainfist, and 3 standard tactical terminators.


I need to do 13 more elite slot terminators to get my 1850 list done with 25 terminators as a minimum. It'll be 3 Drop Pods with Furiosos, Karlaen, a Captain, 10 assault terminators, and 15 tactical terminators.  I'll do the chaplain and librarian at some point as alternate HQs.


Pictures here in my progress thread. ! http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/270083-father-mapples-blood-suns-chapter-work-log/?p=4290332

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Currently my Infantry Heavy BA are relatively tough one to chew out. Mostly because for 50 Tactical Marines, I emply 3 Multmelta,s 2 Heavy Falmers, 3 flamers, 2 hand flamers, 2 melta's and 2 infernus pistols. That is lot's of templates and melta weapons. Death Company works well, my only grievance is, that marine palyers out gun me 1:3 when using CAD's as we cannot employ yet Rhino chassis heavy supports more than one per slot like Dreadnoughts, given us always outgunned chances. Luckily not too many uses dreadnoughts or Multiple Rhino chassis based HS here though. Its minor problem that I deal with 50 tactical marines and 20 Jump marines. I would love to field 3 Baal Predators in one Heavy Support Slot. By the looks, The Dakka Baal is best looking Imperial tank.... Right after Sicaran.

Edited by Menchalior
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Gentlemen... I come to you with something special this evening.


I have raided my collection of bits and I have finally achieved the vision of my Chapter Master: Charlo Hades.


On the tabletop he counts as Dante, but I feel even his rules may not be enough....




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