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Anvil Industry my friend :wink: head is a maybe, but it's all I've got at the moment.

The hand is another Anvil bit, it's a gun /chain weapon held over the fist. I clipped off the bolter nozzle and put Melta on it for Dante purposes.

Try out a death mask like head? Something screaming?

As to what I've been doing: Scouts!


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The classic Stormcast Eternal is Retributor Armour base, wash Reikland Fleshshade, layer Auric Armour Gold, highlight with Liberator Gold, I believe.

Yeah, saw a YouTube video for that. Looks perfect!


Update: Retributor spray, Reikland, Lahmeian med, 2 Iron Earth and a BA upgrade sprue later... My wallet is down £42. Offt.


Couldn't resist not buying any models though so that explains the sprue... Hopefully get a good Corbulo or something out of it.

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Which head.... He will be gold, but I think the Deathmask doesn't quite mesh as well with the brutality and scale of him....



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As an awesome frater pointed out I could use that Minotaurs chaplain head from FW to get probably the best result similar to what I want....


But none on eBay individually... Guess I'll just have to buy him and Moloc, because the models are amazing.

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See I despise bare heads but quite like that idea... He'd be one of the only ones on my force with a bare head (as you can't change some models... *shakes fist at beautiful space hulk models*)...


Hace that head hanging from his waist upside down and a screaming BA head on top perhaps...


Shall experiment tonight.

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GW "What's new today"


"Also included are updated Datasheets for Predator, Vindicator, Land Speeder and Whirlwind vehicle squadrons, giving them the same special rules and options as those found in Codex: Space Marines. No more are the Sons of Russ left languishing behind their superhuman kin on the battlefield!"


Thanks to White Dwarf team to move the knife in an open wound. Really nice for the "Sons of Sanguinius left languishing behind their superhuman kin on the battlefield!"......


Not only it rain ice in real life, but it also rain taunt in the game news...very nice, such a gentles, well minded sentences...

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