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From My Post in the HH Forum.


One Praetor on Bike. Nanyte Blaster/Arecheotech Pistol.





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Lol, I just paid 2 Baals, so I will have 3 Baals all together. And when I get paid Monday, I will most likely jump on the gun and Order Sanguine Strike force from local supplier who has it in decent discount. I don't care that I can't put Stormraven and 3 Baals same list outside either heavy tax of units I don't want to field or going unbound.... but Local gaming group already has agreed that I can field 3 Baals in one heavy slot and they gain scout while doing that. Mostly because people miss Blood Angel's here and they want to play against them, with relatively even matches. Sure BA codex hasn't aged well nor has Shield of Baal. But, Sons of Sanguinius have always beaten the odd's. We still got one the most flexible tactical units marines have, thanks to melta and flamer spam, we can actually use them instead Dev squads for tank hunting, especially with drop pods, or horde thinning. Just put tactical squad with 3 flamer weapons behind promethium relay pipes and enjoy :D I love Melta, I love template weapons and I love assault cannons... and I have become to love heavy bolters too. 

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This morning I assembled and painted an entire tac squad and terminator assault squad in four and a half hours for a game in the afternoon.

Everything hurts, I think I've inhaled the entire can of Mephiston Red spray and I can't move my fingers because of the glue on them. I'm starting to seriously think about the effect this game is having on me.

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Apocalypse thus far:


Deredeo has its debut and strips hull points off things.


Caestus has its debut and deleted a unit of Deathwing.


Lascannon Predator continues to be useless and hasn't wounded anything yet.


Contemptor has been killing Stormboyz.


Lots of dreads have exterminated a large chunk of failen.


Currently awaiting the Death Company charge supported by Sanguinor's +1 A aura :D

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 I'm starting to seriously think about the effect this game is having on me.


 Yes, you are becoming more awesome. Keep up the great work!



I honestly don't think I can! I had a bit of a coughing fit a couple of hours ago and I swear the air in front of me got redder. 


If I should die as a result of my efforts then remember me fondly, and I look forwards to my canonisation as an Imperial Saint.

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Finally got to unleash the quad flamer tactical squad (Heavy Flamer, Flamer, two hand flamers) on the battlefield.


Drop podded in and deleted a 20 man unit of blood letters without breaking a sweat. Even when thier Deathwind launcher from the pod scattered into them, they tanked it.

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This morning I assembled and painted an entire tac squad and terminator assault squad in four and a half hours for a game in the afternoon.

Everything hurts, I think I've inhaled the entire can of Mephiston Red spray and I can't move my fingers because of the glue on them. I'm starting to seriously think about the effect this game is having on me.


Embrace the black rage brother!!!

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++Incoming transmission++


The war in the Brown system is going well following the return of the Xenos and Heretic to the system. However, despite committing massive amounts of troops the warzone remains contested and for the moment we can keep the onrushing tide at bay.


I'm also saddened to report the communication blackout from Captain Karlaen and our First Company. Their last known whereabouts where in Zone Mortalis and reinforcements are requested for both their and the overland front lines.


++ Transmission ends **

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 I'm starting to seriously think about the effect this game is having on me.


 Yes, you are becoming more awesome. Keep up the great work!



I honestly don't think I can! I had a bit of a coughing fit a couple of hours ago and I swear the air in front of me got redder. 


If I should die as a result of my efforts then remember me fondly, and I look forwards to my canonisation as an Imperial Saint.



1) I hope you're working in a well ventillated area! Only spray in a well ventillated area.


2) Embrace the Red Lung.

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I do have a respirator mask, actually, and I'll probably be using it next time. It has the added benefit of making you look as though you're painting miniatures in the Apocalypse, so I honestly don't know why I didn't use it the first time.
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The BA character in the new deathwatch box is wonderful. Incredible sculpt and lots of nice detail.


....but the IF dude has an infantry sized frag cannon. Yup.


WHY isn't that a Blood Angels Devastator with that weapon? We better have that as an option in our next codex.


The Assault Sergeant is a very nice looking model though.



EDIT: Today, I finished painting all but the shoulderpads of another 5 Death Company. I do still need to do the engine glow on the jump packs also.

Edited by Paikis
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The BA character in the new deathwatch box is wonderful. Incredible sculpt and lots of nice detail.


....but the IF dude has an infantry sized frag cannon. Yup.


WHY isn't that a Blood Angels Devastator with that weapon? We better have that as an option in our next codex.


The Assault Sergeant is a very nice looking model though.



You know, i very upset with how this set depict Blood Angels :


- Assault Sergeant Blood Angels, Yeah ! But our codex/rules states that we are not THE Assault army......strange, i would have expected a Blood Angels Tactical.....


- Frag Cannon, another think that GW stole to the Blood Angels armoury......


At least, we can convert easily the Blood Ravens Librarian into a Blood Angels one, and pick the Frag Cannon to give it to a Blood Angels model.

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No kidding.

New wolves do ba better than ba.

So, per usual.

I really want to run the iron wolves formation.

And the corrupted ba looks like a vargheist or whatever from wfb.

Vampires who lost all semblance od humanity and any hope of restraint.

So fits pretty good.

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