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Deathwatch New Frag Cannon Profile (2 fire mod) :


First : Template, Str6, AP-, Assault 2, Rending (The Classic fire mod)

Second : 24", Str7, AP3, Assault 2 (The New second fire mod)


Will it be in the next Blood Angels Codex ? Wait and see. (Personnally, i think i will not, because i'm pessimistic about how GW recently handle the Blood Angels, for even our new Reclusiarch miniature came from the backdoor like a thief....)



EDIT : Fear not brothers, for i bring good news. I bring the Data Sheet ! (Cretacia Extended relics)


"He wield the DESTROYER, the foe hammer that have end countless lives !"

(It have only one profile, for the Shells it use only allow close combat shooting.)



Edited by Frater Antodeniel
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The English in that picture is terrible.


I try my best, for a non native, english is pretty hard to master, mostly when what your learn at school isn't a the daily life level.


So, if you find it "terrible", you are then more than welcome to help me with your mastery of English. =)


Signed, a French. =)


(NB : I try my best to do a coherent fluff, but i'm not exempt of grammar mispelling. Also, i didn't proof read it, since it was made yesterday, and finished today. I posted this 0.9 version to show the Global Idea.)

Edited by Frater Antodeniel
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The English in that picture is terrible.


I try my best, for a non native, english is pretty hard to master, mostly when what your learn at school isn't a the daily life level.


So, if you find it "terrible", you are then more than welcome to help me with your mastery of English. =)


Signed, a French. =)


(NB : I try my best to do a coherent fluff, but i'm not exempt of grammar mispelling. Also, i didn't proof read it, since it was made yesterday, and finished today. I posted this 0.9 version to show the Global Idea.)



This is what I get for assuming it was an official document from GW. I guess you can take that as a compliment, it looks legitimate. Also, don't worry too much about it. Most younger people who speak it as a first language suck at it as well. It's honestly embarassing.


Check your PMs.

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The English in that picture is terrible.


I try my best, for a non native, english is pretty hard to master, mostly when what your learn at school isn't a the daily life level.


So, if you find it "terrible", you are then more than welcome to help me with your mastery of English. =)


Signed, a French. =)


(NB : I try my best to do a coherent fluff, but i'm not exempt of grammar mispelling. Also, i didn't proof read it, since it was made yesterday, and finished today. I posted this 0.9 version to show the Global Idea.)



This is what I get for assuming it was an official document from GW. I guess you can take that as a compliment, it looks legitimate. Also, don't worry too much about it. Most younger people who speak it as a first language suck at it as well. It's honestly embarassing.


Check your PMs.



Your apolozige are accepted and your contribution is greatly appreciated. I will perform the suggested changes that you send me by PM, when i got some spare time for it. =)


Thanks you. =)

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I was reading my visions of Heresy books and all about Signus.


I then dreamt that we got our decurion.


For some reason the Sanguinor featured too, he had independent character and some nifty rules about having an insane profile until he completed his mission, then it gets toned down and your opponent gets victory points if he doesn't do it.



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Not to add to the gripes too much, but does anyone else get the feeling that GW doesn't really know what they want to do with the Blood Angels? 


I only started playing in 7th Edition, right at the best/WORST timing possible: right as the 7th Ed Codex came out in Dec 2014. Complete coincidence. Anyways, my guess, based on what I heard about the influences of Matt Ward, is that whoever is picking up the pieces after him are trying to tone things down a bit from the "flying Dreadnoughts" and whatever. Also get the BA back to being mostly Codex Astartes-coherent but with another personal flavor to warrant their entirely own Codex. So I can get that. But it just seems like they don't really know what they want BA to be these days. 


In comparison, look at the other SM Chapters that have all received updates since ours. The Space Marines (vanilla) have got tons and tons and tons of options and interesting formations/detachments. As they should, considering that that one book is supposed to work for pretty much any Chapter (why Black Templars don't get a seprate supplement is byond me). The Chapter Tactics thing is pretty cool as well. Some definitely work better than others, but still it's alright. 


Now look at the Dark Angels. Stubborn, Overwatch at BS2 (BS4 if using the decurion a certain way), lots of weaponry and units that are expensive and hard-hitting. Are they perfect or the new hotness? Not necessarily, but at least their latest book does their fluff and the "feel" of the faction justice. Anti-social, secretive knights that are almost impossible to shake off once they've set their minds to something. 


And look at the latest releases and updates for the Space Wolves. Man those Wulfen are cool! Fairly fluffy, too. But what I don't get is Counter-Charge. Don't they already have Counter-Attack? I actually imagined that BA could get Counter-Charge...I mean, SO MUCH of our prowess these days comes from getting a Charge of. Perfect example: Death Company. They CAN be amazing when Charging, but I hope you made it count because if that combat continues don't expect miracles. And if they get charged...forget it. So giving BA Counter-Charge makes perfect sense...but now apparently that's going to be another wolfy thing. 


Likewise, the new Deathwatch boxed came coming our really makes the BA pale (I have a whole other thread ranting on that). If one looks at all the members of that force as representatives of their Chapter's overall flavor, then BA is the dish that gets sent back. The DA member is made to wreck MEQ. The Space Wolf member is the most versatile on a mano-e-mano level. The White Scar is the guy on the bike! The Raven Guard is super Jump-Pack Stealthy! And so in that vein, what does GW make the BA guy? Furious Charge and a Hand Flamer....ok? What the heck is that supposed to do? 


Look, I am happy for other Factions. I never want to take away from the shinies they get. Space Wolves especially are a Faction that with way more time and money I would love to build an army out of, but it's not a priority. I don't want to descend into tearing things down or take away from others enjoyment but I just can't shake the feeling that GW simply does not know what to do with BA. Are we supposed to be Fast? If so, where's the Faction-wide Fleet and +1I? Are we supposed to be "the best" at CQC? If so, why only on the Charge? Are we supposed to be super airborne/strike-from-the-heavens? If so, why only ONE Flyer in the Codex (and one that everyone else gets?) 


The thing that gives me hope is the leaked rules about what the latest ForgeWorld Horus Heresy book (10?) Retribution brings in terms of Legion rules. According to what I saw (need to find the link again) in HH the Blood Angels get a faction-wide trait that means they ALWAYS roll 1 less on the To Wound chart in melee. So, a S4 BA model attacking another T4 model Wounds on a 3+ instead of a 4+. Against a T5 model, that same S4 BA Wounds on a 4+. BA get to beat up on GEQs with a 2+. This also means that virtually everything short of T9 can be hurt by BA in melee. Now THAT is what I think of when I think BA!

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Basically - we we're bought in line with everyone just before the line moved with Necrons and Eldar.


That's all it is, we had a really nice Codex release and then the Decurion's came with untold bonuses.


Our Campaign supplement is just a few SUPER BIG cinematic (read: unusable) formations as well as some small but unfocused ones.


With the Rerelase of Ghaazgull and Farsight books I think we're due an update soon enough :)

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Not to add to the gripes too much, but does anyone else get the feeling that GW doesn't really know what they want to do with the Blood Angels? 


I fact the situation is even Worse. For, not only GW doesn't really know what to do with the Blood Angels fluff.....they don't know to reflect the chapter in the Miniature Range.


=> Shield Of Baal Campaign : A fluff heresy, were Blood Angels allied with Necrons (Xenos) to defeat tyranids....and we even got a small speach of the "silent" Sanguinor at the end....the campaign itself is a compilation of non-sense, where we can even seen Flesh Tearers fighting ALONGSIDE Sisters of Battle....(When the fluff state that most if not all Sisters Orders have knowledge of the Gaius Point Incident....)


=> Blood Angels Tactical Squad.....At least the plastic kit was well made....but i was expecting an Assault Squad...would have made far more sense...


=> Blood Angels Assault Terminators Squad.....Awfull....Shamefull....and i got more French "Flowers" Word to describe how GW is trying to sell this plastic kit. (Just Compare the Well Made Dark Angels Terminators Squad Kit and this BA "Thing"....and the two are at the same Price !)


And Finally,


=> The Well Made....Unexpected....New Blood Angels Chaplain, coming one year after the Marketing Shield Of Baal Campain....Coming from no where.....with no "background".....like a thief....Personally, this Chaplain whose sells would have been boost if release alongside a new BA codex....the "How" of this Chaplain release tell enough of how bad GW think of his BA costumers. We do not even have the right to a proper/decent background with a BA miniature release.




Lets hope for the next Blood Angels Codex....


Edit : HA ! and also some Flesh Tearers MAJ......after the full 20Page that i send to GW....i don't think they can lack of "Creativity" anymore....

Edited by Frater Antodeniel
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Not to add to the gripes too much, but does anyone else get the feeling that GW doesn't really know what they want to do with the Blood Angels? 


I fact the situation is even Worse. For, not only GW doesn't really know what to do with the Blood Angels fluff.....they don't know to reflect the chapter in the Miniature Range.


=> Shield Of Baal Campaign : A fluff heresy, were Blood Angels allied with Necrons (Xenos) to defeat tyranids....and we even got a small speach of the "silent" Sanguinor at the end....the campaign itself is a compilation of non-sense, where we can even seen Flesh Tearers fighting ALONGSIDE Sisters of Battle....(When the fluff state that most if not all Sisters Orders have knowledge of the Gaius Point Incident....)


Enemy of my enemy is my friend. It was kill Tyranids along with the Necrons or lose Baal. An easy choice for Dante to make.


=> Blood Angels Tactical Squad.....At least the plastic kit was well made....but i was expecting an Assault Squad...would have made far more sense...


Normal Assault Squad does us just fine. And yes, I know it has an evicerator and we can't use them but that's just unlucky.


=> Blood Angels Assault Terminators Squad.....Awfull....Shamefull....and i got more French "Flowers" Word to describe how GW is trying to sell this plastic kit. (Just Compare the Well Made Dark Angels Terminators Squad Kit and this BA "Thing"....and the two are at the same Price !)


The kit is AWESOME. Only issue is the heads are attached to the body, other than that lots of nice details. It was an odd choice of new kit mind you...


And Finally,


=> The Well Made....Unexpected....New Blood Angels Chaplain, coming one year after the Marketing Shield Of Baal Campain....Coming from no where.....with no "background".....like a thief....Personally, this Chaplain whose sells would have been boost if release alongside a new BA codex....the "How" of this Chaplain release tell enough of how bad GW think of his BA costumers. We do not even have the right to a proper/decent background with a BA miniature release.


Any number of things could have lead to this Chaplain coming out when it did - it wasn't featured in the codex so I think it was just a cool Sculpt they made to sell at a random point in time. Him and Karlaen probably got a quick sale out of BA players that might not have purchased anything in a year since the codex.




Lets hope for the next Blood Angels Codex....


Edit : HA ! and also some Flesh Tearers MAJ......after the full 20Page that i send to GW....i don't think they can lack of "Creativity" anymore....


GW Certainly don't lack creativity, if anything that statement is a bit of an insult to all the sculptors, designers, artists, games designers who tirelessly work there to make our hobby what it is.


I love your work Anto, but no - GW are not out to get BA or the BA players... For one what business sense would that make?


Responses to your points in red.


We had an AMAZING codex release, the timing was just unfortunate - nothing more.

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Cmon lads. Sister, chaos and Templars are still worse. We can't even use our crusader squads in the demi company. :P

Now to the point still a bit off topic ;)

I have been looking on info about the Exsanguinators. There is a reference to their chapter master on Trial by blood book. Any more info on them?

I have been fiddling with the Idea of a BA sucessor for a while. And an excuse to use all that MK4. I think fluff wise would look neat on BA.

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Cmon lads. Sister, chaos and Templars are still worse. We can't even use our crusader squads in the demi company. :tongue.:

Now to the point still a bit off topic :wink:

I have been looking on info about the Exsanguinators. There is a reference to their chapter master on Trial by blood book. Any more info on them?

I have been fiddling with the Idea of a BA sucessor for a while. And an excuse to use all that MK4. I think fluff wise would look neat on BA.


About the Exsanguinators :


Fluff-wise : Only source is Trial By Blood. In the book we learn several things :


First, the Exsanguinators are amongst the most cursed egal to the Flesh Tearers....so maybe large Death Company, even if Seth reply tend to explain that the Exsanguinators are claimed by the Thirst.


Seth to Malphas : "The curse claims your brothers almost as often as it does mine"

Seth to Malphas : "Then know that were it not for the blood in your veins, if your blood were as susceptible to the Rage as mine, you would be here now instead of I." (The Underline passage tend to show that the Exsanguinators Thirst is more stronger than the Rage, and that most of their Brother who fall to the twin-curse, mostly fall to the Thirst instead of the Rage...)


Second, the Exsanguinators Chapter Master (Ivan Malphas) reaction hint that the Exsanguinators is a "human" chapter caring for their Fallen Brothers.




Following, is the Exsanguinators Chapter Color Sheme, designed by one of the actual GW Space Marines artist => http://diegogisbertllorens.deviantart.com/



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Oh wow batwings on a CROSS! I need that in my life.

Damn I love it. I could use a necron weapon for him.

I need that chest piece :(

I supose the wings are the chapter master symbol. I could use the BT shoulder pads with skull easily. Oh im on this.

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Can we stop with the "everyone has it so much better than the BA" in this thread, please? It seems every other thread in this subforum (and now news and rumours) is slowly being pervaded with it, and this thread is a place to show what you have been doing with the hobby, show your models and inspiration.


If you need to vent or come up with alternatives, fine, but do it in one of the DIY rules threads, perhaps.


It's one of the reasons I don't hang around the Chaos Forums so much anymore, I'd hate to see the rest of the B&C become a no go zone for me.

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Here here!


In other news, my Calistsrius came through yesterday.


No idea what I'm going to do with him yet, I guess paint him partly gold and add him to my big bad terminator squad.


Stormshield, Divination, rerolling storm bolter shots.


Or get the banner of the archangels, serge with THSS, and go sanguinary...

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Chopped up one of my Termie librarians....and ended up with a simple arm swap, the torso isnt an east port between other torso backs, etc.


I've added the outstretched hand to one, then added a wrist mounted storm bolter and power sword, a la Grey Knights.

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Bought some Assault terminators today...


Well... It was an eBay auction, they'd all been converted to have the big GKTDA Swords, and amongst them was the TDA Libby with a staff and arm out stretched and what looks to be Commander Culn, the FW Red Scorpions character...


Just over a tenner :biggrin.:


Hell, I'll post the pic, if anyone knows what that Resin Termy is... Much Obliged!



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