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played a couple of heresy games of zone mortalis yesterday at warhammer world. My loyal sons of Sanguinius performed well and won both games.


The Blade of Perdition is awesome, and whilst i know breachers aren't popular in 30k, they are great when coupled with the zone mortalis rite of war.


outside of that, did a little work on painting the praetor, nothing major, just added some washes to begin the shading.


removed my vanguard from their old bases so i could work on giving them shiney new ones... finally ALMOST done with rebasing everything.

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Ah bugger I just realised - can I paint my count as Deathwing Knights for this?


Or... If not I'll vow them as 5 captains with SS/TDA/POWERSWORD lol.


Which one generates the most points? :devil:


As far as I'm aware, they are fine if you price them as our book (just get rid of the DA iconography). Besides, you are running a Successor Chapter so you have that in your case for using them.





This year I may be even more torn between pledging for our beloved chapter or legion.... I figure if I get started now I can finish assembling my BAC box. Let's see just the tactical marines and terminators left at this point.

Nothing stopping you pledging for us and using C:BA to calculate the points :wink:
But but but... Volkites?

You mean counts-as plasma for the purposes of the ETL? :wink:





Precisely what I would suggest and it should be fine. I know that if I paint my Cataphractii (counts-as Terminators) for the ETL that vow wont be denied!!


Seriously though, last year saw our sub-forum step up and challenge the "so called" big guns of the ETL. We took one of them down and matched two others, so people are now aware of our capabilities. Provided we stick together I am confident we can challenge for honours again.



What's the limit on how 'complete' a model can be to be entered? Primed or base coated..? Either way I've got TONNES of stuff I could enter :biggrin.:

Primed is prefered. If its base coated you'll have to run it by Semper or Jolemai to be on the safe side.




I entered something last year that was basecoated, so it'll probably be fine, but as said run it past Semper or Jolemai to get the nod.




Last year, the following was a legal entry standard:





Whilst Semper may not permit this again, at the very least make sure your models are undercoated. Basecoated will be at his discretion. Edited by Jolemai
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I'm not scraping the death angels off thier Shields :P but I'll be covering them in blood drops and other angelic stuff to make up for it ;)


BUT 5 TERMINATOR CAPTAINS IT IS LOL. Are Apoc formations allowed? If so, hello masters of the chapter :P

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I'm not scraping the death angels off thier Shields :tongue.: but I'll be covering them in blood drops and other angelic stuff to make up for it :wink:


BUT 5 TERMINATOR CAPTAINS IT IS LOL. Are Apoc formations allowed? If so, hello masters of the chapter :tongue.:


Go for it. These days they don't require any extra points to do so it's fine (note that any Formation which does require extra points will not be counted for the ETL - so you'd just tally up the models and use that score)

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However, if you were to modify it in some manner to show it (for example, an Ork-style rocket), then I feel Semper would approve it. For example, I painted the Teleport Homer in the Terminator box as a Locator Beacon upgrade for my Drop Pod entry.

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However, if you were to modify it in some manner to show it (for example, an Ork-style rocket), then I feel Semper would approve it. For example, I painted the Teleport Homer in the Terminator box as a Locator Beacon upgrade for my Drop Pod entry.

Glorious Blood Angels wouldn't use filthy xenos rockets as Lucifer Pattern engines.


I'm gonna need to think about how I can represent this...does it have to make 'sense', I.e if I put some ornate stuff on to show it has been bestowed with the Lucifer engine, would that be adequate?



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Well since we are role calling for the ETL.


this will probably be my vehicle centric ETL.


2 Baal Predators

2 Razorbacks


Using a buddies airbrush to get the red done, I should have time to paint the other stuff on then.


Other things that could be added:


Tactical combat squad

2 5 man scout squads

Vanguard veteran combat squad

Sternguard veterans

DC dread



Further down the list

More DC marines

Captain Karlaen

10 terminators


So cousins, how would you prioritise these?

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Nearly finished building my Deimos Pred, only need to magnetise the HK missile and do something with the turret to make the weapons interchangeable. Not sure if I should pin, or magnetise. Thoughts, if anyone has got one I'd appreciate some pics of how you've done yours.



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Thinking about that new blood ravens dw marine with some filing and a plasma pistol to be a counts as mephiston

Anyone else see it or am i just crazy?


Don't let your dreams be dreams!


He's a pretty good librarian sculpt!




As for me, Windsor & Newton Brushes arrived! I think I have some old Death Company that could use some touch ups with them :D

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Some of you may have noticed that I pretty much disappeared from Jan to early March, and the reason for that was because I was frantically painting up 1000 pts of HH BA for a local tournament. It was a good event (came 7th out of 10 :/), however due to the limited time i only painted my stuff to a basic table top standard. Now that I'm not under the pressure to get them done I'm going back and improving them to a standard I'm happy with. Here's the first 3...


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