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Some of you may have noticed that I pretty much disappeared from Jan to early March, and the reason for that was because I was frantically painting up 1000 pts of HH BA for a local tournament. It was a good event (came 7th out of 10 :/), however due to the limited time i only painted my stuff to a basic table top standard. Now that I'm not under the pressure to get them done I'm going back and improving them to a standard I'm happy with. Here's the first 3...







They look pretty good, mate. Have you thought of hitting the recesses with a bit more shading?

Edited by sockwithaticket
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Duly noted. I'll hit em up this eve. Thanks for the kind words and advice. Looking at them they do seem a bit too orange.


Nice lightening effect on the power sword Threefiddy.





Cheers didnt quite work out as planned... lol


Been painting this guy tonight, I may actually finish some of these models and post a pic or two with a decent camera. Gonna have a shot at some lightning and perhaps freehand a Tearers Icon on the shoulder.





Think this short Termie captain is jealous Sgt Lorenzo is taller. :biggrin.:



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I decided to fill out my Sanguinary Guard (from 5 to 10) and with the leftover gold I made a Blood Angels Honour Guard.

I have a few more pics on my blog: http://atticwars40k.blogspot.com/

Currently working on re-painting 15 Devastators and a Hawkshroud (Oathsworn Blood Angels) Imperial Knight...elites-start.jpg

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I got 5/7 of my drop pods second hand and ripped the compartment from all of them. It's the stupidest thing ever and makes them even harder to transport!


Gunzhard they are wonderful. Been a while since I saw an honour guard and it makes me miss them! The red on that librarians backpack is genius.

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Just finished building Drop Pod no. 4 out of 5.


On a side note, I'm no longer bothering with putting the troop harness' together. My poor attention span couldn't take it anymore...

You know you're a real gluten for punishment when you magnetise the central column and harnesses so it can be either troop or dread and look the part...



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Sergeant Baradiel, Crimson Tears 2nd Company, 2nd Devastator Squad


Fluff and some modelling explanations in my WIP, but basically he has a markerlight bolter and a servo-skull instead of the official signum bit because i hate it.

Edited by sockwithaticket
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Your whites are soooo smoooth, I'm jealous.


he has a markerlight bolter and a servo-skull instead of the official signum bit because i hate it.


Agreed on that, I dont like it too much either. My next dev sergeant will be getting a back banner.

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Cheers, gents.

Arkanglios -
1) Vallejo Game Colour Stonewall Grey basecoat.
2) Completely cover with VGC Ghosty Grey.
3) Completely cover with Vallejo Model Colour White.
4) Go back and shade recesses, starting with 50/50 Stonewall Grey/Ghosty Grey and layering back up to pure VMC White.

I think it's the VMC White that makes the difference, it's the most vibrant white paint I've ever come accross.

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