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I couldn't deal with it and re-made Brother Bullet Catcher from my Devastator squad. He's now new and improved, and less...gawky. More badass, but still takes it to the face.


In other news, I'm going to make a start on 10 Van vets to complete the Van/Stern formation, or 5 vanvets and 5DC for variety.

Brother ----------Delete by decree of the Ordo Astartes---------- of the Knights of Blood chapter. Left Shoulder pad show that he is Veteran of the First Company, and the left leg marking indicate that he belong to the 4th Squad.

(The other photos and the "Tutorial" can be found here ===> http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/319607-frater-antodeniel-baftkob-paint-photo-update-230416/


Today, I worked some more on my squad with volkites. Now i just need to decide if I'm going to paint the blood drop for the legion icon black, red or purple to stand out.


Since I'm sure someone will ask , here's picture of what I'm talking about.

20160423 210455

20160423 210407

Edited by marine7312000

Second game versus tyranids with the new librarian powers and conclave today.

Ran them with jump packs, my sanguinary guard and priest protecting them.

I would like you all to imagine a librarian casting warp speed followed by electro fists...

Now imagine him killing 15 termagaunts each assault phase...

Casting enfeeble on his cultist plus prime allowing flanking death company to hammer his brood Lord into oblivion.


For the emperor and sanguinius.

Edited by Rafen IX

Meanwhile, do I pull the trigger on a box of DC and two boxes of SG? Primarily for bits.




Order put in today (Darksphere, naturally), but only the one SG box - these should give me the bits needed to properly bling out the last few bits for my ETL vows.

My SG + extras eBay order came through. I can see why it was cheap, must be from a reeeeaaallly old batch. It's that light grey plastic that I can only describe as "blurry" when it comes to detail. Must've been at the end of the mould run.


THAT SAID THOUGH - while only 5 jump packs, enough bits for ten SG perhaps or a crap ton of conversion material for characters and 30k! :D

Considering is a Stormtalon Dual kit (think how they added an extra sprue to the knight) I'm not hopeful, outside of red marines of course!


Rumours also say that it will be available in a bigger box to make squadrons for a while with a discount.


Was plausible until you said that...

Edited by Jolemai

Just finished my 30th Anniversary Marine/ 30k Vigilator Centurion. I didn't like the backpack it came with so I traded it for the cape and Mk.6 Backpack from one of the FW Models I had. I'm pretty happy with how the camo on the cloak came out, went with a modified WW2 German Desert Camo Scheme. He will be my Vigilator in my 30k Games.







Edited by The4thHorseman

Considering the knight game, multi character pack, captain plus terminators or captain plus command squad, I can believe that


Don't forget the Start Collecting! Boxes! There's almost a 50% discount in some of those :D

I'm a recent new join, and thought I'd contribute my latest work.  Just need to add company and squad markings, some varnish and little vegetation to the bases to finish them up.
Action shot!

IMG 0212

The whole team.

IMG 0216

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