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Just posted this on another thread. Currently I have them all bar boltgun 1 and shotgun 2 (and Naaman, obviously).


This is how Scouts are supposed to look (imo).


How many have you got?

I have a spare Naaman if you wanted to get closer to a completion, brother?


My collection has a 10 man CC squad, 6 snipers, 2 HB, a BA Telion conversion and a Naaman with his DA stuff shaved off. So a big CC unit and two small sniper/support units. Really like the old metal models.

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Scouts punch so much above thier weight it's unreal. The BSF bonuses and a tooled up sarge make them total back line murder to the opponent. Even things like crisis suits will weep when you drop a chunk of S5 attacks on them some of which have an AP value.


Once they have BS/WS4 they'll be total murder. Work really well for us too as the best of our codex is the expensive elite units, so the scouts balance out that cost. Plus snipers aren't exsctly interesting, but you'll never forget that ap2 shot that takes out something interesting!

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Assault scouts with a barebones Priest is hilarious the first few times you throw it against an opponent. For a while when I was first starting in 5th, they were all I had besides some Sanguinary Guard, but it was amazing to see a squad of Dark Eldar get mulched consistently by charging scouts. That was, of course, back when Furious Charge was +1S and Initiative.

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Assault scouts with a barebones Priest is hilarious the first few times you throw it against an opponent. For a while when I was first starting in 5th, they were all I had besides some Sanguinary Guard, but it was amazing to see a squad of Dark Eldar get mulched consistently by charging scouts. That was, of course, back when Furious Charge was +1S and Initiative.


We still have +1S and +1I if you use the BSF formation though?  No?

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Assault scouts with a barebones Priest is hilarious the first few times you throw it against an opponent. For a while when I was first starting in 5th, they were all I had besides some Sanguinary Guard, but it was amazing to see a squad of Dark Eldar get mulched consistently by charging scouts. That was, of course, back when Furious Charge was +1S and Initiative.


We still have +1S and +1I if you use the BSF formation though?  No?


Yes, but this was also when Priests gave a 6" bubble of FNP and FC, and so the +1 Initiative thing disappeared for a while in 6th and early 7th. Now, of course, we're back to all action all the time! Which is great.

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Did some more work on an assault squad last night and thought I would share a few photos of the Sgt.  I tried out some purple wash suggested by Xenith but on the Balthasar Gold.  It produced an interesting effect which I am not too sure about.  I think I need to get some of that Retributor Gold that seems to turn out so well.  I want to finish this squad off before ETL starts, which will finally get me to paint their much needed drop pod.  Can't wait!


Assault Sqd Sgt front

Assault Sqd Sgt side

Edited by Hannibaal
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Hey, it's looking cool, kind of antiquey - How did you do that rope?


I think I mentioned painting it into the recesses as a shade, rather than coating the surfaces as a wash, but I might be mistaken. The first makes a shade, the latter will tint the armour. You can always go back and re-apply the base gold colour to the non-recessed parts :smile.:


Note that the Balthasar gold is already a bronzey colour, which makes the dark wash even darker.

Edited by Xenith
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Thanks for the compliment and for the tips!  Now that you mention it, the gold wings do look aged.  For the rope I did the following:


1) Zandri Dust

2) A wash of Agrax Earthshade

3) A highlight of Baneblade Brown

4) Another highlight of Ushabti Bone.  


I took it from the GW Sons of Sanguinius painting guide, which really has helped improve my painting over the past year.  


You are completely right about the washes, and doing the Druchi Violet wash all over is where I went wrong.  I'll definitely try and target the recesses more next time over maybe more of a brighter gold.  For future models I'm going to actually look up and then use your recipe when I have to paint gold again.  I really like the effect you achieved.

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Today I got to have my first game using Blood Angels. It was very close until the very end of turn 7... the only things left on the table were a captain with 1 wound, a razorback, a whirlwind, a squad of 3 tacticals and a squad of 2 tacticals for the Blood Angels... Tau had a crisis suit, an immobilized skyray, 1 single kroot and 5 fire warriors. The game ended up in my favor with 2 objectives, first blood, slay the warlord vs 1 objective.


I learned a few things:

1) Tactical squads make great chaff but also can do some serious damage on the charge (They honestly won me the game)

2) I need more Death Company

3) Grav Pistols are absolutely amazing (concussed a Riptide to let my Death Company power fist it to death)

4) Autolas Predators are a gift from the Emperor himself

5) I should switch out my Vanguard for Sanguinary Guard asap

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Played a Elder/Elder Corsair list recently.


I was rocking SoB with BA allies rather than pure BA. Overall a loss but a fun (if somewhat challenging game)


Lowlights: My DC failed a key 5" charge in T3. If they'd made it I think I probably would've won the combat and gained slay the warlord.


Scouts whiffed in combat. The WS3 and BS3 can really hurt if the dice gods are feeling cruel.


I had to ignore the Wraith Knight, due to having nothing that could reliably deal with it. Outside of grav bikes, what are our best options for dealing with GMC?



Highlights: Whilst the Scouts under performed overall, my Baal Pred performed better than expected, also single handedly blowing away a squad of DSing Hawks.


Not a BA unit, but one of my SoB transports tank shocked a unit of jetbikes, who then proceeded to flee off the board :D


I've said it before, but St Celestine makes an excellent 'budget Dante'.



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Played a Elder/Elder Corsair list recently.


I was rocking SoB with BA allies rather than pure BA. Overall a loss but a fun (if somewhat challenging game)


Lowlights: My DC failed a key 5" charge in T3. If they'd made it I think I probably would've won the combat and gained slay the warlord.


Scouts whiffed in combat. The WS3 and BS3 can really hurt if the dice gods are feeling cruel.


I had to ignore the Wraith Knight, due to having nothing that could reliably deal with it. Outside of grav bikes, what are our best options for dealing with GMC?



Highlights: Whilst the Scouts under performed overall, my Baal Pred performed better than expected, also single handedly blowing away a squad of DSing Hawks.


Not a BA unit, but one of my SoB transports tank shocked a unit of jetbikes, who then proceeded to flee off the board :biggrin.:


I've said it before, but St Celestine makes an excellent 'budget Dante'.




Grav Pistol and Storm Shield Vanguard Veterans with a couple Thunder Hammers thrown in for good measure.

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Aye we have to handle that sort of thing with a little more.... Finesse than our mass-grav toting cousins!


Failing that if you're willing to go meta can always put in an allied chapter master with shield eternal and thunder hammer to tie him up/ smash. But then again stomp is a ridiculous Mechanic :/ that one in 6 chance of being NOPED is just so annoying. Although the latest FAQ confirms that you can look out sir the hits, so that helps (seeing as that is a clarification it's technically official even though the FAQs aren't in a final state so to speak).


What does celestine do in terms of awesome then?


Also how was it figting the pirates, had a look at the army list and they seemed like extreme glass cannon. I imagine if you charge they're boned.

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Celestine hae very good stats, an AP2 sword and when she dies has a chance to come back on full wounds the following turn. She also has eternal warrior and a selection of special rules, and costs just a bit over half what dante costs.


On the other hand, if dante charges her, and was in a unit with a banner he stands a good chance to one shot her as I've done that to her every game due to number of attacks plus strength being high etc.



As for wraith knights or anything like that... you can do a grav Sternguard squad which is pretty straightforward.


Or death company with some hammers.

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Anything with Concussive is a great idea for MCs and GMCs. So our Chaplains, Librarians with force staves and Stormraven missiles (ideally with the War of Murder Legacy - [Monster Hunter]) work well in addition to grav weaponry.


Trouble is, this is great on paper until there's an invulnerable save (or even FNP) added to the mix :dry.:

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Celestine hae very good stats, an AP2 sword and when she dies has a chance to come back on full wounds the following turn. She also has eternal warrior and a selection of special rules, and costs just a bit over half what dante costs.


I'm afraid to say that you're somewhat wrong there. Celestine doesn't have Eternal Warrior or an AP2 sword. She does have an excellent weapon skill and initiative, her sword is a +2S Power Sword, and is also a heavy flamer, and if she dies, she can pass a leadership test next turn (on LD10) to stand up again full wounds. She can only do this once, though, and is GEq other than WS and I.
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Grav pistol vets with thunder hammers sounds like it has the utility to handle a WKnight, but sounds expensive and relatively fragile (Scat lasers don't care if you have a 3+ or a 3++).


I honestly think if I was going to bother with C:SM allies I'd go whole hog and get some grav cents...


Celestine's main feature for being a budget Dante is that she gives Hit n Run, but she's a litte beast to boot.

WS/BS/I : 7, A:5, LD10, S/T:3, 2+/4++ weapon is +2S ap3 MC and can fire like a HF, and the first time she dies you can resurrect her by passing a ld test. Obviously her biggest draw backs are T3, no ap2 and no EW, but she's a damn sight cheaper than Dante...




Edit: Damb, ninja'd numerous times! Low I, obviously;)

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Grav pistol vets with thunder hammers sounds like it has the utility to handle a WKnight, but sounds expensive and relatively fragile (Scat lasers don't care if you have a 3+ or a 3++).


I honestly think if I was going to bother with C:SM allies I'd go whole hog and get some grav cents...


Celestine's main feature for being a budget Dante is that she gives Hit n Run, but she's a litte beast to boot.

WS/BS/I : 7, A:5, LD10, S/T:3, 2+/4++ weapon is +2S ap3 MC and can fire like a HF, and the first time she dies you can resurrect her by passing a ld test. Obviously her biggest draw backs are T3, no ap2 and no EW, but she's a damn sight cheaper than Dante...





Not sure why you think it would be fragile but, a loadout like this would be anything but fragile: Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield on the Sergeant, 1x Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield, 2x Bolt Pistol and Storm Shield, 2x Grav Pistol and Chainsword.  It's not cheap, but it's not fragile for sure.

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Grav pistol vets with thunder hammers sounds like it has the utility to handle a WKnight, but sounds expensive and relatively fragile (Scat lasers don't care if you have a 3+ or a 3++).


I honestly think if I was going to bother with C:SM allies I'd go whole hog and get some grav cents...


Celestine's main feature for being a budget Dante is that she gives Hit n Run, but she's a litte beast to boot.

WS/BS/I : 7, A:5, LD10, S/T:3, 2+/4++ weapon is +2S ap3 MC and can fire like a HF, and the first time she dies you can resurrect her by passing a ld test. Obviously her biggest draw backs are T3, no ap2 and no EW, but she's a damn sight cheaper than Dante...




Not sure why you think it would be fragile but, a loadout like this would be anything but fragile: Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield on the Sergeant, 1x Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield, 2x Bolt Pistol and Storm Shield, 2x Grav Pistol and Chainsword. It's not cheap, but it's not fragile for sure.

A 3++ means nothing vs scatter lasers, the combo of good BS, HS and weight of fire mean that power armour (and SS) are next to useless vs fire power of that magnitude. Maybe fragile is the wrong word but marines aren't durable enough in those circumstances.



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Grav pistol vets with thunder hammers sounds like it has the utility to handle a WKnight, but sounds expensive and relatively fragile (Scat lasers don't care if you have a 3+ or a 3++).


I honestly think if I was going to bother with C:SM allies I'd go whole hog and get some grav cents...


Celestine's main feature for being a budget Dante is that she gives Hit n Run, but she's a litte beast to boot.

WS/BS/I : 7, A:5, LD10, S/T:3, 2+/4++ weapon is +2S ap3 MC and can fire like a HF, and the first time she dies you can resurrect her by passing a ld test. Obviously her biggest draw backs are T3, no ap2 and no EW, but she's a damn sight cheaper than Dante...



Not sure why you think it would be fragile but, a loadout like this would be anything but fragile: Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield on the Sergeant, 1x Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield, 2x Bolt Pistol and Storm Shield, 2x Grav Pistol and Chainsword. It's not cheap, but it's not fragile for sure.

A 3++ means nothing vs scatter lasers, the combo of good BS, HS and weight of fire mean that power armour (and SS) are next to useless vs fire power of that magnitude. Maybe fragile is the wrong word but marines aren't durable enough in those circumstances.



Well by that definition youll be hard pressed to find anything that suits your bill in the whole game.

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All I'm really saying is that SS aren't point efficient for the situation we're looking at (whether they're practical in a TAC list building exercise is a different story). If VV with grav pistols and hammers had a decent delivery mechanism they'd be perfect...a LR could work (Redeemer covers double duty for dealing with jet bikes) but again it's so prohibitively pointy...


The reason grav cents with psychic shenanigans is such a good counter is because they can drop(pod) in, get rerolls and potentially powers like ignores cover, I respect that we're probably not going to anything /that/ good for countering GMC...



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All I'm really saying is that SS aren't point efficient for the situation we're looking at (whether they're practical in a TAC list building exercise is a different story). If VV with grav pistols and hammers had a decent delivery mechanism they'd be perfect...a LR could work (Redeemer covers double duty for dealing with jet bikes) but again it's so prohibitively pointy...


The reason grav cents with psychic shenanigans is such a good counter is because they can drop(pod) in, get rerolls and potentially powers like ignores cover, I respect that we're probably not going to anything /that/ good for countering GMC...




Ally in a Skyhammer formation I guess.

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