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All I'm really saying is that SS aren't point efficient for the situation we're looking at (whether they're practical in a TAC list building exercise is a different story). If VV with grav pistols and hammers had a decent delivery mechanism they'd be perfect...a LR could work (Redeemer covers double duty for dealing with jet bikes) but again it's so prohibitively pointy...


The reason grav cents with psychic shenanigans is such a good counter is because they can drop(pod) in, get rerolls and potentially powers like ignores cover, I respect that we're probably not going to anything /that/ good for countering GMC...



Ally in a Skyhammer formation I guess.

Now that is a good shout!



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What I dont get about the enthusiasm is that a. The skyhammer formation is a greater points sink than vanguard vets as the sm asm are pretty terrible, b. The dev squads are a lot less durable than ss vanguards, tau will basically murder them, c. grav cannons lose their whole ppint once the mc is dead they are 90% immobile.. I mean I would try my chance with vanguard any day but thats me.


Personally if I also want deep striking heavy weapons I'd rather take ba devs with Tycho and droppod 4xmm devastators middield that threaten EVERYRHING.

Edited by appiah5
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I'm actually think a mix of grab bikes and Libby dreads might provide some pure BA solutions to GMC...


Grav will knock them down to I1, and then S10 force will do d3 wounds for every wound that goes through, and it will ignore armour (it's ap2, right, away from my book) and they can't FnP against it...


The quandary now is s delivery system for the Libby dread...if only you could assault after using wings.



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I've been sorely tempted to pick up a five man squad of bikes as an alternative to one assault squad and running two Grav Guns + Combi-Grav on the Sergeant.  Not an every game thing, mind you, but perhaps versus certain armies it would be a nice harassing element with the rest of my jump pack equipped forces (Death Company, etc). 


It certainly has merit, especially considering the possible shenanigans of the Fulmination Psychic discipline power Electrodisplacement.  Drop pod a squad of tactical marines in next to a GMC and run the bikes with an attached jump pack Librarian up within 24" of the pod, preferably close to an enemy unit or objective.  Pull the old switcheroo and blast said GMC with grav, then charge in with the bikes and Librarian to hopefully do a few more wounds.  Could be interesting for sure. 


Just thinking out loud on that end.  Take it easy for now.




Edit: The Fulmination Tree also has Magnetokenesis, which allows your Librarian Dreadnought to move 6" in the movement phase, then another 18" in the psychic phase, though it is a WC:2 power.  I did this last game with my Librarian Dreadnought and my opponent was both terrified and not amused.  I proceeded to pop smoke since you can't charge in on the turn you use it, but having a "SUDDENLY DREADNOUGHT!" moment was quite a lot of fun, especially since I was also able to cast a Psychic shooting attack that killed off one near-by model before I went into the shooting phase and popped smoke to try and survive the hail of missile launcher fire it was about to take. 


Moral of the story, new powers are fun. :smile.:

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Some new art of our glorius primarch, I imagine during his time at Imperium Secondus:




I have mixed feeling on this one, on one side it depict Sanguinius as a badass but borried Emperor of Imperium Secundus, on the other side, i thing this pose may not fit the nobility of the character. Maybe the book will give background explanation to the Picture.


Edit : I also found a great proportion problem when looking at the legs, a little bigger legs would be more fitting, i currently have the feeling that he got wooden stick behind his leg armour...(Just look at His left leg...)

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I've been sorely tempted to pick up a five man squad of bikes as an alternative to one assault squad and running two Grav Guns + Combi-Grav on the Sergeant.  Not an every game thing, mind you, but perhaps versus certain armies it would be a nice harassing element with the rest of my jump pack equipped forces (Death Company, etc

Yeah, a bike squad with 2x grav, combi-grav and melta bombs on the sergeant and a multi-melta attack bike is a very shooty unit and it's only 163 points.
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It works for me... has that 'King Conan' sort of vibe.


First thing that popped in my head when I saw the picture. :smile.:


It's too bad the book is an Anthology. Would have been nice if it was a single Blood Angels story.

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ETL Time!


Glorious weather today, so I took advantage and primed a load of stuff - Razorback, Baal, Landspeeder, Whirlwind, tacticals, Vanguard, Corbulo, and Librarian.


I'm currently 50/50 as to whether I think this will go smoothly, or I'll be rushing to complete at the last minute, especially as I have 3 weeks holiday in July. Bank holiday tomorrow, so I'll be trying to get as much done then as I can, the landspeeder is already on it's way.

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So, I've completely missed this until a game last Friday. 


A charging Librarian with a staff, in a BSF, with Iron Arm strikes at I5 with S10 AP2.


Channel the RAGE brother!


Yeah we are superbly awesome.


Okay guys I'll pose the question:


How best to outfit Sternguard? Specifically the Combis?


Going to build a small unit for the ETL and want some guidance...

Edited by Charlo
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