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It is a good look! I hate painting white though, so I shall stick to admiring other peoples work with it :happy.:

There are two really easy methods to do this. I use Citadel paints so results may very, I know a lot of blokes don't like the lines. These boys in red with white helmets are actually my first time dedicated to trying to painting up to true white.


Priming white, then a quick water downed Ulthuan Grey with an Agrax Earthshade wash with a fine detail brush into the recesses followed by a tidy up, and then an edge highlight with white scar.


I went the other route with black primer since my minis are primed black. Base coated with water downed Celestial Grey, followed by a water downed Ulthuan Grey, then a Nuln Oil wash just in the recesses followed by a tidy up and edge highlight with white scar.



Hmm! Cheers for this Dont-Be-Haten I shall try your reciepes out. I've had the Sanguinor painted up for a while but have had trouble with his wings (smaller areas of white are easier, large are my nemesis) so I shall have another go armed with this knowledge.


Redemption I've never seen Blood Angels on snow bases before... I like it! Nice work brother :smile.:


I can post a step by step here, or in a separate thread if you'd prefer as to how I paint them. Just to give you an idea of how I do it. It is really easy and straight forward. It's all about control. Just use hand control, just be as neat as you can.


Edit: I have 3 Carmine Blade heads I need to work on so it will not be an issue, because I need to get them done anyway.

Edited by Dont-Be-Haten
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I can post a step by step here, or in a separate thread if you'd prefer as to how I paint them. Just to give you an idea of how I do it. It is really easy and straight forward. It's all about control. Just use hand control, just be as neat as you can.


That would be neat, cheers! Depending on if I can pull it off or not on the Sanguinor's wings will dictate if I'll attempt a Sanguinary Guard vow :tongue.:

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Charlo, in #CE0018 please!


I mean, I don't have a Land Raider or a Spartan - so I may as well just get one better? Plus I can put all my dreads in it!

The next index Astartes book is going to be the death of me.

Also, really hoping it clears up the Relic rules beyond a FW email!

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Wonder if we will even get access to it in 40k

It's been confirmed that the rules will be in the next Imperial Armour book :smile.:



The name of which has been revealed to be:




The Leviathan, Mastodon, Kharybdis and new Ad Mech all in one book... Ouch.

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For what it's worth, the Xiphon is included and the experimental PDF already permits our usage so I very much doubt we'll lose out. Regarding the Mastodon, there is no fluff or precedence in other FW publications that indicate that we would not have access. When the Datasheet is published in IA XIV, there will be usual text in italics telling us what other Marine Factions can use it and I expect we'll be there.

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FW tend to be pretty good with us; we got the Quad Mortar, the Leviathan & the Xiphon.


We even got the command tanks from GW.


Keep the faith brothers, and email Forge World if they forget to put us in ;)

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We are still waiting for the storm eagle update I was told was coming over 2 years ago... my faith is lost.


Maybe it'll be in this book :)


I'm also hoping for a clarification on the Relic rule and who we need to bring to use more than one - hint: Astorath should count as a Chaplain.

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Well these units will be relics, so they'll have the relic rule in it. So hopefully they'll have the full explanation of it for the book involved :D


And flyer rules Yeah, it's so annoying. It's not even on the radar apparently. They don't know if they're going to do a pdf or a book apparently.

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Ugh. It technically means they aren't usable in 40k. 30k is technically even debatable as the book specifically overwrites the normal flyer rules.


Depends if your group plays with the new rules or not! But that is a can of worms already deeply explored in other threads :laugh.:

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