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BA tournie troll list, what to bring?


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So I picked up my dusty old BA dex and started brainstorming again - however I was very hesitant.


I really wanted to make a good competative army that could stand up in a possible tournie, but not a cheese spam fest. As sons of Sanguinus we must shoot from the moral high ground :P


Have we been writing our lists the wrong way? (I understand rule of cool and I feel the pain)



Sorry for wall of text :P



To get some ground rules down:


1.) Let's be honest, we have an "old" dex. Our points aren't adjusted well and we're still stuck in the middle of 5th edition. Assaulting isn't what it used to be, and the LoS blocking terrain needed to even the playing fields is pretty lacking in most of the tournament scenes I've taken a peek at.



2.) The biggest thing I find that people miss is "What is likely to be faced at a tournie?" Take all comers list is a must, however, many psycho lists out there like riptide/wraith spam, wave spam, and Beaststar all ruin these types of lists. In order to stand tall and gain respect, we need to find solutions to these (pretty broken or under costed) problems. I feel the "best units" in our codex are often picked over possible good tool kits to deal with these problems.



3.) The return of Razorspam? These venerable carriers were the original meat and potatoes of every 5th list, though they seemed to have a falling out with most lists later on. Let's look at the new lease on life these guys got: they now have objective secured and are slightly more durable! I understand it's still AV11 but they are cheap, mobile, and can drop off more OS units to win the objective game that we have been blessed with in 7th :) the huge problem we have in the current meta though is mass S7 spam from the Tau and even worse, Serpent shields.


I think we can mitigate this by having them arrive from reserves so they don't have to endure that enemy alpha strike and can launch their own, or we hide them behind raiders and LoS terrain to improve their lifespan



So sorry for the ramble, but here are some proposed units I think we should take a look at (though you may feel differently and are inclined to do so):



-> Scouts.

These guys can honestly be game winners if played right. Their snipers may be useful toward monstrous creature spam and trying to single out those pesky characters. Their use in late game objective grabs has increased, especially if you outflank them.



-> Death Company with Dedicated transport and Dead Dread

Now many of you include these guys in your list but stop for a second. DComp can't secure objectives (though they can contest I believe) but their Dedicated transports can as they count as a troops choice!!! The Dead Dread also can capture and OS points because he is a troops choice and doesn't have the same limitations as the Dcomp does. Stick the D boys in a raider and sit on an objective to watch your opponent weep :D


As a side note...drop pods can do this too hehehe



-> Razorbacks

Mentioned above, they are quick, mobile, and scoring gun platforms. I'm wondering how to combat FMC and Wave spam with these guys, though unfortunately they'll likely lose unless the dice are hot and you have good positioning. I've been thinking mass Lasplas should address most of these issues, however, I can't help but shake the feeling that AssCans might be better. Thoughts?




So what kind of list would you guys build to tackle tournament lists in particular? Problems range from Beaststar, MC and FMC spam, mass S7 (usually ignores cover) shooting, Wave Spam, and psyker heavy lists.

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Death coy are non-scoring, so can't contest an objective held by a scoring unit i.e. Pretty much every other unit in the game. But yeah their transport can and DC being what they are can draw fire from scoring units.


TBH the way things are you'll need luck on your side no matter what you take. Eldar are particularly strong this ed and have strength in balance across their whole codex. Are you allowed to take forge world? Maybe proxy some units to an extent e.g. Whirlwind = whirlwind scorpius

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Are LRRs or crusaders better?


I really prefer the flame storm cannons to the hurricane bolters as you already have a lot of bolter profiles, but you can still shoot on the move.


However the flame cannon may be useful to wound MCs and deny saves of a Seerstar.


Are assault terminators still a thing? I'd like to do 5 of them with 3 TH/SS to take on MCs and be able to squish armor too, but I feel that they should go in a storm raven. Which means a turn 3 assault at the earliest, and if their ride gets shot down they are too slow to get anywhere. But storm ravens are needed because of their anti air.

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Drop pods, corbs, expository and melta sternguard going for invis, 9 dc with coteaz and bolters I like sword axe fist or sword sword fist, also going for invis, stick legacy of no scatter on the invis melta. Grappling fragioso as well all dropping turn 1. Throw in a podded dc dread, and a podded troops ( or podded devs if you use) to get 3 turn 1 pods, then populate the list as you like. I've found that to be super frustrating and the invis primeris gives you some good ap2 shooting support.
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