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Painting Blood Angels and Army Painter Quickshade


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Does anyone here use Army Painter's quickshade products to paint Blood Angels?  If so, could you post some photos of the results?  I'm kind of interested in doing it for some Tactical Squads myself (I'm really tired of painting Troops) but I'd like to know how well they'd mesh with my current figures.  I believe the main complaint was that they were too glossy?


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Use the strong tone for red, i'll see if i can get some pictures of BA models. I made a thread here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/293778-quickshade-test-results-strong-tone/


If you see the last post, that image is using a brush dipped in white spirit for cleanup, i think the results are much better with some post dip cleanup. 

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This is based with Vallejo Scarlet Red (slightly lighter compared to GW blood red or the Army Painter equivilant) and dipped in Strong Tone. Clean up with drybrush dipped in white spirit.


Matte varnish removes the gloss problem completly. 

If you want stronger lines go easier on cleanup.



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Another fast alternative if you want darker lines is oil wash and same cleanup method as above (it dries after a few hours so no rush). Buy som black oil paint and mix it with white spirit (see youtube oil washes)


Oil washes spread over the model lines ALOT faster than normal washes and is easy to remove/adjust due to slow drying time. You might want to give a light coat of varnish before you go to town so it flows easier. 


Edit: This method is not glossy at all (it's just still wet) in picture below.







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