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Green stuff, and CCW question


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Hey all, just two quick questions I've run into and couldn't find a sure answer.

The first is green stuff, I've seen a lot of wonderful work done with it, and I wanna use it. But my biggest question is for me, every time I've seen a tutorial for how I wanna use it (making a cloak/tunic) they end up putting it right on the model un painted. To me this seems like suddenly the model with this now large cloak would be hard to paint. So would you add green stuff after you painted the individual piece? I'm just worried modeling cloaks for my army suddenly I'm going to be unable to paint my guys completely so I was wondering if anyone here had any solid advice on this sort of situation.

The second question is, I've seen a lot of model where people use Chainswords in place of CCW in there miniatures. Is this a common practice? I mean I know they have the same stats but they are still listed as a different thing. I would imagine this would upset someone "Hey they can't use that weapon!" but it seems rather common so I figured I'd ask here and see what people thought of it.

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The second question is, I've seen a lot of model where people use Chainswords in place of CCW in there miniatures. Is this a common practice? I mean I know they have the same stats but they are still listed as a different thing. I would imagine this would upset someone "Hey they can't use that weapon!" but it seems rather common so I figured I'd ask here and see what people thought of it.

As you said a chainsword has the exact same statline as a CCW. So it should not be a problem. I can think of no situation where it would cause confusion to give a model a chainsword instead of a different CCW.

I've recently started GSing cloaks and tabards onto my units. I always do it on unpainted units though, after the GS dries I prime it. Really though it shouldn't be that big a deal, it'd just take a bit more time right?  Do you paint your models after putting them together? Can always shape it the way you want, let it dry, paint it and glue it onto the model after.

If you're careful with how you anchor the GS to the figure(read: not much surface area) then you can remove the cloak after it cures and paint it separately. Conversely, you put something down between the GS and the figure to facilitate easy removal. I go over it in detail on my tutorial about making cloaks out of facial tissue/Kleenex:




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