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Need some tactics VS Grey Knights


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I've seen quite a bit of batreps on YouTube where Chaos Marine players get tabled by Grey Knight players, generally with 1 or 2 Dreadkinights, and generally with the PA Grey Knights with all of the force weapons and them being psychers makes them a tough opponent. What are some good units and tactics to use against Grey Knights?

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A. you should not worry much about the power armored GK, unless they are purfiers in SW drop pods. If they are then there is no good counter to them. So technicly there isn't much to worry either


B. if you play a invisistar try not to get boged down in fights with terminators. they can negate the t5/6 adventage and gods help you if you do not get invisibility off.


C. try to play as many MSU units as you can and swarm objectives that are far from the main part of his army.I know that this is easier said then done with shunting and drop pods and flyers GK have, but it is the best we can do. Get as many early VP from cards and focus plasma on anything that you can kill in one turn. If you see that your probably not going to take an objective , it is better to concentrate on something else.

spaming demons on objectives, using 5 mans in rhinos is a good thing to do. Dont be afraid to sacrifice units. So what if your opponent kills unit X, if this means he will over focus on one objective and the rest of your army is caping 2.


Lucky with card, sadly, plays a bigger role here then skill though.


D. if your opponent goes overboard with purfires or is a sad bloke still using power armored GK, punish him by taking a helldrake.

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Other ways include mark of Slaanesh on chosen, Terminators, warptalons, or mutilators to annihilate Grey Knights in assault. With the improved Halberd rules they hit much harder but are not as fast. This works to your advantage as your higher initiative and power weapons will eliminate them before they can strike. 


Other methods include fearless cultist mobs which can bog down dreadknights even if they cannot kill it. Furthermore, they WILL stay in combat for the rest of the game if you include them in a helcult. 


Finally, greyknights are terrible against mechanized armies, as a player who uses two landraiders I can say with confidence that a Greyknight army would have untold headaches getting through that av14. Destroy him at range then kill the remnants in assault. 

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Finally, greyknights are terrible against mechanized armies, as a player who uses two landraiders I can say with confidence that a Greyknight army would have untold headaches getting through that av14. Destroy him at range then kill the remnants in assault. 

This is our biggest problem. We lack any serious anti-tank guns now. Hull Points and the loss of psybolts have destroyed our only real AT. we now have to get lucky with Psycannon shots to have any chance of stripping the hull points down to wreck it because our chance to actually penitrate that armor is so low as to not exist. The answers above are good, but remember we now pretty much win in the psychic phase more often then any other. If your not playing Tzeentch backed by daemons, your going to have a hard time countering our psykers. The other option is to ally in a celuxis(I belive this is the right one) as he will pretty much shut down our entire psychic phase if you deploy him in the right area.

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Other ways include mark of Slaanesh on chosen, Terminators, warptalons, or mutilators to annihilate Grey Knights in assault. With the improved Halberd rules they hit much harder but are not as fast. This works to your advantage as your higher initiative and power weapons will eliminate them before they can strike.


only GK units that are no vehicles are mostly +2sv and chaos unit you listed bounce of +2sv.



Pure GK may have problems with anti tank[as in melee being the best way for them to counter stuff], but I don't think many people do play them without ally. Taking some IG or SW or SM ally is a must have.

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Whether it's just me, or if it's a good counter to knights because we have no real high strength shooting to stop it.


But I really struggle dealing with nurgle bikers with a Lord with claw/fist and the Sargent with fist and 2 plamsa in the squad.


The rapid fire plasmas kill at least 3 before the charge, then the impact hits, then like 3 attacks each on top, with preferred enemy. And that Lord just always kills off my brother captain/grandmaster. And if they charge power armoured guys the Lord gets his 5 odd attacks at initiative 5 with the claw.... Always dominates me.


It's fast, all the bikes are monstrous creature toughness, then you can jink, and are always scary for me.

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