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Terminator PW


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Hi, so Im designing a unbound terminator list (1st company and chapter master) for a chapter I will be starting soon. In the terminator wargear entry it states:


Power sword (sargeant). Is this an errata, shouldnt it say Power weapon? Im wondering because having only terminator sergeants with power sword is not really an advantage. 


Also, and this is just for fluff reasons, with an unboud army would I be able to add a terminator command squad from the DA deathwing? Or how does that work?

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They always have traditionally had a sword its what's in the kit, this is possibly the cause of the high casualty rate of terminator sgts right after devastator sgts :P


In unbound you just pick the units you want from the relevant codices you still follow all the rules for that entry but you have no compulsory choices so yes you can.

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Hi, so Im designing a unbound terminator list (1st company and chapter master) for a chapter I will be starting soon. In the terminator wargear entry it states:


Power sword (sargeant). Is this an errata, shouldnt it say Power weapon? Im wondering because having only terminator sergeants with power sword is not really an advantage.

Yup as of now C:SM only allows the TDA Sergeants to take Power Swords. It might have to do with the box only having a power sword. If you want an axe, a maul or a spear on your Sergeant, you have to go with the Blood Angels Terminators. WGTDA would also have options beyond the power sword.


Also, and this is just for fluff reasons, with an unboud army would I be able to add a terminator command squad from the DA deathwing? Or how does that work?

What does fluff have to do with the rules for unbound armies? Yes, it could happen that a couple of Deathwing (represented by a command squad) assist their vanilla cousins, but the command squad would still have to follow all its rules. This means that such a unit cannot be taken in an army (unbound or otherwise) unless the army also includes an HQ. As far as I can tell this HQ need not be from C:DA, but I doubt it would be fluffy to have a DA command squad without a DA command.
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Yeah Quixus I know it sounds weird. But oh well, maybe I will make a command squad just a display piece. What about a C:DA commander and command squad with C:SM TDA squads? Or I might as well just use C:DA deathwing rules. Also fluff wise, they would be dark angels, they would all be from the same chapter, they would only be DA rules wise. 

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Yeah Quixus I know it sounds weird. But oh well, maybe I will make a command squad just a display piece. What about a C:DA commander and command squad with C:SM TDA squads?

No problem there.

Or I might as well just use C:DA deathwing rules.

Yup, you could then even get a CAD detachment for Objective Secured with Belial and Terminators. Unfortunately Deathwing Terminator Sergeants also only get a power sword as per the Errata. censored.gif GW.

Also fluff wise, they would be dark angels, they would all be from the same chapter, they would only be DA rules wise.

Did you forget a negation there? I doubt anyone would have a problem with running terminators not painted bone white with the Deathwing rules. If you also use terminators from another codex you should make them easily distinguishable.
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Yes I forgot a negation wallbash.gif I meant to say "They wouldnt be dark angels".

Anyways, thanks for the answers. I think I will make a command squad, not for playing but simply as display because it will look cool. And in case Im going to use them I will just play them as DA. Too bad about those damn ower swords though :(

Thanks again!

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