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Warpsmiths and IA13


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  So it seems fairly certain that IA13 is coming our way later this year or early next year which should mean official chaos rules for all the cool IA2:2nd toys that loyalists can use - Sicarans, Javelins, Fire Raptors etc. Given that my Thousand Sons will eventually be a Heresy army as well as a 40k army I plan to slowly pick up a few of these (having already picked up the Fire Raptor). 


  But, it seems very likely that most of these will have the 'Relic of the Armoury' rule requiring you to take a Warpsmith if you want more than one, so what do people think would be the least painful way to field a relatively sub-par HQ? My first inclination was to just stick a non-upgraded one with a back field cultist unit to repair vehicles when he can waddle over to them, but this feels a lot like a point tax. Any ideas or suggestions? The only other one I've though of is using Crimsons Laughter to stick him in a possessed unit for the improved survivability/chance to get beasts for faster movement, but that's a very expensive and a bit rubbish....

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I'd say wait. Avoid the whole salt fuelled rumour mill and see what FW deliver. Too many times I've seen people angered by speculation and Chinese whispers to find that actually, there was no need to worry (Crimson Slaughter for example).


I'm looking forward to more FW art, photos, and hopefully some properly twisted miniatures (especially after some of the more extreme HH traitor models looking so sexy).

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Actually I have nothing against the Warpsmith as a requisite. He is a nice model, it can do a lot of good to a Chaos army and we would have a veritable way to field him, a reason past basic game mechanics. Overall it is only right and proper that such revered relics are in the custody of a Warpsmith and no warband can easily afford to deploy them without some technical knowledge on the field. 

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I don't have anything against the rule per se (it's quite fluffy and gives FW a way to keep the costs of the units down compared to their often inferior codex brethren). The main thing the warpsmith lacks for me is a way to get around the board, if he could take a jump pack or better yet a bike I think he'd be a much better choice.

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My warpsmith is great...


I take him stock in a rhino with a minimum squad of 5 CSM and a meltagun. Plus his meltagun makes it the same as a dual special weapon csm squad at only 25 more points. Then he has his repairing ability and and curses. The rhino follows a maulerfiend and a forgefiend. It's great...


But I never remember the curses cause he's hiding in the rhino, the meltaguns are always out of range and he's never actually repaired anything because everything gets outright killed anyway. In fact no one ever shoots at him cause he isn't even considered a threat. He hasn't even lost a wound in the last 3 games I used him in.


My warpsmith sucks.


Though at least half of it is user error.

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The warpsmith lacks focus, but isn't exactly bad. In the backfield it carries a strong leadership value, a high ballistic skill (ideal for manning icarus cannons), and the ability to repair our vehicles. Deploy him further forward and his repairing and leadership are less useful, but his high number of mid strength, AP2 attacks, solid base saving throw, and strong short range special weapons armament come to the fore. For many of our hand to hand units he's a better melee buff than the dark apostle, a solid utility character who brings anti-light infantry via the flamer, anti-heavy infantry with his many ax attacks, and ups or at least holds steady the unit's anti-vehicle with his meltagun. He's also midway decent in challenges, with a 2+ save that should hold out against anything that lacks an AP2 melee weapon. Unfortunately all the versatility, while nice, does suffer from the jack of all trades thing, where he never does any one job so well that he feels completely worth his points investment, but if they turn him into a tax then that's one tax I wouldn't feel too bad about paying.


As for how to field him - naked in your backfield in a cultist or havoc squad next to a predator and manning an icarus or quad cannon, maybe with the eye of night if playing black legion; or naked in a transport that mostly intends to shoot things (a gunned up storm eagle, for instance). Or with a 5++ in a forward unit or assault transport. Or in a big infantry 'walk to combat' sort of unit (plague zombies, for instance), or rhino mounted squad that intends to disembark on terrain and stay there instead of proceeding to combat (sonic blaster NMs, plasmagun havocs or chosen, etc), with the 5++ and the burning brand. For marks, I'd go nurgle or markless, but tzeentch and khorne are tolerable in theme lists. I would not give him slaanesh, not with his built in ax.

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I like to run mine forward with a Thousand Sons squad to give them some support, loaded down with the a 4++, the Scrolls of Magnus and a Power Maul (or the Murder Sword if my opponent doesn't throw a hissy fit over the number of artifacts one model can carry). Makes him (well, her) into a nice melee beatstick that has some support abilities, and being surrounded by Rubrics gives her back a lot of durability - she pretty much only has to worry about wounding herself with the Scrolls.
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A Land Raider that isn't pushing forward to insert a solid CC unit where it's wanted/needed is a wasted opportunity. 'Raiders are just too valuable as a delivery method for the points you pay to get them on the field.


After reading malisteen's post I think I might have to squeeze a Warpsmith into the newest list I've been trying to cobble together. Being Mech heavy (naturally) it seems like a 'Smith might be more jack-of-all-trades useful than I had given him credit. He's no backbone unit, but a good supporting character if you don't expect more than what he realistically brings.

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A Land Raider that isn't pushing forward to insert a solid CC unit where it's wanted/needed is a wasted opportunity. 'Raiders are just too valuable as a delivery method for the points you pay to get them on the field.


After reading malisteen's post I think I might have to squeeze a Warpsmith into the newest list I've been trying to cobble together. Being Mech heavy (naturally) it seems like a 'Smith might be more jack-of-all-trades useful than I had given him credit. He's no backbone unit, but a good supporting character if you don't expect more than what he realistically brings.

That was my point. How much harder is a LR with a Warpsmith inside repairing it? Maybe add Possession?

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I don't think it matters if it's hard to kill if it's not doing anything useful, a Land Raider does not have 250 points worth of fire power to add to an army, as Subtle said it's main purpose is to transport a unit across the battlefield and allow them to assault out of it.


  Oh, and if you put a lone warpsmith in a daemon possessed Land Raider it's reasonably likely to eat him. Awful upgrade, especially for 15 points.

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In my experience landraiders are effectively predators in-that they possess two twin-linked Lascannons. When I face assault armies I am typically conservative with my landraiders, focusing my efforts to disabling and neutralizing the enemy first before advancing to assault them. The Phobos pattern's uses varies largely on the enemy arrayed against you. For example against Imperial Guard, Tau, and gunline Space Marines it is fairly simple: advance as quickly as possible and defeat them in assault. Against assault armies like Blood Angels, White Scars, Orks, Tyranids and certain Space Wolf lists you must have more restraint. 


However, as has been said, the Landraider's primary purpose is as an assault transport else its abilities are wasted and its cost is largely prohibitive. 


A warpsmith inside of a Spartan Assault Tank alongside a full squad of Chaos Spacemarines with the Mark of Khorne would be impressive.

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If only the mini were plastic..the current finecast monstrosity is unbearable. Never seen a Warpsmith that wasn't warped, full of bubbles or worse. Too bad since the model itself is quite nice looking.





Why not just put him in a LR, unupgraded, and leave him there to keep it running?


How about the fact that he costs as much as a ten-strong CSM squad?

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My main problem with the Warpsmith that I don't take him is the fact he doesn't have access to the rule that makes him take cult units as troops like the chaos lord. Mostly I always HAVE to take a lord so I can have my plague marine troops as such I usually never have the points left to take a Warpsmith (or I am using a sorcerer as well for some psychic shenanigans)

Which sucks as a Nurgle one would be pretty cool (hopefully they make cult supplements that change this) if I could have my plague marines as troops without the Lord then I probably would always use one especially with a large plague marine squad in a Spartan

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