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Scout USR and ICs


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I believe I know the answer, based on my reading of the rules, but I want to confirm this.



1 - If an independent character with the Scout USR joins a unit without it before deployment, does he confer Scout to his unit?


2 - Vice versa, if a unit with the Scout USR has one or more ICs without the Scout USR attached, do they confer Scout to the ICs?



I believe the answer to both of these questions is yes, per the rules, which say that it applies to "a unit containing at least one model with this special rule"... i.e. if at least one member of the unit has it, everyone in the unit has it.



Is this correct, or am I missing something?

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Scouts are deployed on the table at the same time as the rest of the army and within the army's deployment zone. An IC can join a unit simply by being deployed together.


Later, after all deployment is finished, a unit can make its scout move as long as one model has the Scout special rule. The IC and unit are already together on the table and as long as one model has Scout, they redeploy up to 12". When the scout move happens, they are already joined into a single unit.


If the IC joins the unit in reserves, it works just like any other unit. But they can now Outflank as long as at least one model has the rule.


The argument about Infiltrate comes from the one with the Infiltrate rule can not deploy with the rest of the army and the one without the rule has to be on the table in its deployment zone before the infiltrators can be placed.


I REALLLLLY don't want to re-start the debate over Infiltrating officers but if you can see where the debate exists you can see that Scout does not have the same problem.

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