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Blood talons and instant death


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Recently I had a game with my friend's Dark eldar, and he uses Vect, barons and chimeras.


I am not good at dark eldar, anyway, there was a kind of a bird(?) something that had T3 W5, and my furioso charged on it.


Blood talons kill this model instantly, and there was a problem. How many additional attacks I can get?


Furioso Complete


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My understanding is that instant death is an outcome of a wound and doesn't impact the wound pool you already generated. That is to say, if you generated 4 unsaved wounds, the opponent allocates the wounds out to his squad even if one of those hits is going to instant death models. That still means you generated 4 unsaved wounds which generates 4 more rolls for blood talons. Since I don't remember if furiosos can accept challenges, these 4 additional rolls continue to get allocated to the squad the furioso attacked. It's essentially a blender at this point.


Using this example, if the enemy squad has 3 models, the opponent allocates a single wound to two models and two wounds to the third model. If the strength of the attack is double the third model's toughness, the third is affected by instant death and dies outright regardless of the number of wounds left on that model. Now this does mean that if they allocated the 2 wounds to a single model, and that model suffers instant death from any of the two wounds, the extra wound goes away. However you still generated 4 unsaved wounds so you get to roll 4 more die rolls.

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You only get an additional attack for the Wounds caused by the Blood Talon.

Instant Death says it reduces a model to 0 Wounds.


So you don't actually cause more Wounds and thus you only gain one attack.


That's not quite how it works. The reference about reducing a model to 0 wounds means that a single wound allocated to a single model will reduce the model's wounds to 0 upon failing their save. So instead of taking only 1 or 2 wounds off the model, it takes all of them. You already did 2 wounds to the model. The two wounds still count. If two wounds are allocated, and both are not saved (you are rolling ALL of your armor saves at the same time, right???), that's two unsaved wounds even though you only needed one to kill the model.


Unsaved wounds are still unsaved wounds regardless of whether they were wasted on the model who took the wound.

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