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Alpha Legion,W.I.P


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Hey guys,I've spent a very long time snooping on B&C,looking at people's fine work for inspiration, so I thought I'd actually post some work up.


Over the last ten years doing this hobby,I've had many power armour armies,I started as a young teenager with a DIY SM chapter,went on to play CSM (also DIY),then I'd strip the paint and start over,over the course my space marines have been Salamanders,Blood Angels, Imperial Fists etc, and once again I plan to recycle,and use what I can for the Alpha Legion.


So,why Alpha Legion? When I was younger I went on colours I liked before lore/fluff,after reading Legion,and finding more about them online,I found myself drawn to the mysterious legion,and after a few years I've decide to get cracking on making my own.


My goal here is to paint a table top quality army,and with the feed back from good people here to keep me motivated,hopefully come out with something I'm happy with.


So that's a little insight to how this started,and will post some pictures shortly. :)

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Thanks for the welcome mate,your AL cell is very well done,good to see another alpha legionnaire :)


I'll hopefully have some more pictures up tomorrow,I have some scouts to make less Imperial,as well as paint up the rest of the squad,and an order from FW might be on the cards.  

Thanks guys,appreciate it smile.png,here is an update and some quick photos before I knuckle down.

Working on the rest of the squads assembly,and starting paint.


Scouts have been stripped and beheaded,will be looking for some heads that look more traitor for them.http://i.imgur.com/EBNJ6AH.jpg

And WIP on the command squad and lord/captain,two more dudes to make for this squad. http://i.imgur.com/tJpf1sv.jpg?1

And on a side note I made a purchase from FW, 10 HH Alpha Legion shoulders pads,which I plan to cast with greenstuff for the rest of the boys,and a chaos Alpha Legion dreadnought.


  • 2 weeks later...

Update time,got home form work today and my package came laugh.png. It seems forge world are giving out free pin badges too.

All I got to do is paint up the shoulder pads and the first squad is done,I've also been painting the captain,he is almost finished,will hopefully have pictures over the next few days.


  • 5 weeks later...

Hey guys,Its been a while,unfortunately my work life got the best of me,but In the last few days I've had time for the hobby,anyway here is some pics smile.png

Finished First squad,some of these models are pretty old,and have been stripped a few times in the past http://i.imgur.com/eS78seq.jpg

http://i.imgur.com/0QswATW.jpg?1Personal favourites



The lord,there was some gunk I couldn't get off him,but over all pretty sound.




Close up on face.


That is it for now, 2nd squad is in the works,and as I have a day off tomorrow,gives me a chance to get stuck in,my dread is assembled and just needs arms,I cant decide on what weapons yet though,will post more pictures tomorrow,feedback very much welcomed smile.png

  • 10 months later...

So guys it's been too long,unfortunately I had a lot of life dramas which hasn't quite ended yet,but I have still been painting my Alpha legion,and have taken photos,so here's a catch up on finished models (if it works from my phone),I've planed to turn this into something big involving all the traitor legions led by no other then Abbadon himself,that's the goal anyway,hopefully these work.http://i.imgur.com/PLEuaZb.jpg

Some Mk 5 to see if the pics worked,and more to come brothers.






These are all from a while back,what do you guys have to say? Army is a lot more up to date now and I'll let you guys catch up on some pictures tomorrow,comments welcome :)

Ehy buddy, nice paintjob! I think you'd improve a lot your models by diluting the paint with a bit of water.Then I was just wondering... why do that marine got the U on the backpack?Keep it on!

Thanks man,I've painted like this for years lol but I'm not looking to make them master class,but I understand where your coming from so I'll keep that in mind.


I put the Ultramarine symbol on the back of that guy to display confusion among the enemy,or to at least represent that alpha legion do all sorts of things to make themselves look like the enemy sometimes.Thats also why that Sergeant has a red helmet on his leg plate,and why they still display purity seals,be it as trophies or showing there true loyalty,who knows ;).


Also I put razor wire around it to make it more of a mockery toward the Ultra marines also.


More comments are welcome,I'll be showing more pictures off later.

http://i.imgur.com/CPgTHg7.jpg group shot as of today. http://i.imgur.com/nN1t96c.jpg command/choosen squad.

http://i.imgur.com/qcMqIKg.jpg mk 5 squad,Sgt still wip.

http://i.imgur.com/bxE3xJl.jpg 2nd mk6 squad,got the shoulder pads need to order bolters but otherwise done.


Should take some pics of the free hand hydra later,would really like some comments and criticism to keep me motivated,currently got a contemptor and the first predator in works.




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