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Victoria Miniatures Heavy Artillery released


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Since we're talking VM, does anyone know if the last chance metals are like the last quantities of those items they're selling? Because I'd like to make a big order for the camo cloaks and shotguns if they're no longer going to sell them!

Since we're talking VM, does anyone know if the last chance metals are like the last quantities of those items they're selling? Because I'd like to make a big order for the camo cloaks and shotguns if they're no longer going to sell them!

Hi, thanks for the comments. the metals are being replaced with resin, so the metal won't be re-ordered.

But the cloaks and shotguns are already available in resin.




They have some ridiculously good Guard stuff; I'd rate it as one of, if not the, top alternatives in the industry. Tanith and Mordian both come to mind real well, as well as old-school-esque Cadians. Plus the female sculpts! I picked up a squad at Adepticon and I can assure you they are top notch stuff, even fit in pretty well with my metal Cadians. I'll probably get the cloaks and plasma guns to make them sneaky vets, though I'm not sure on the ideal way to cut weapons from the arms to replace them.

I agree, many third party bits I see I'm not fond of but the Victoria models are easily among the best. I just wish they had the full selection of special weapon types, then they'd be pretty much perfect.

Just looking at some of the models has my brain working to see how I could work them into the fluff... A Veteran Scottish squad, a Platoon of female old school Cadians - but I only have so much time and money! Pray for my lottery numbers tonight comrades msn-wink.giflaugh.png

I have alot of their Tanith stuff and they are very very very nice. I'm most pleased with the overall quality. If I were to do a Cadian army, I would definitivly get their Arcadian guys and girls since they are like the old Cadian (which were much cooler). 

There's something about the old school Cadians that is timeless. The current models are great too but they have a more "modern" aesthetic where the original Cadians are a bit more sci-fi looking.


I'd also like to point out that I didn't win anything on the lottery last night, so clearly everyone's faith is lacking! I'll have to borrow Kier's lash it seems... :lol:

I have used several third party suppliers and have to say the Victoria minis are my fav hands down! Very clean sculpts with a ton of detail and high quality resin.

I've been thinking about placing an order and the autocannon will complement my others so nicely- love the muzzle break

Haha, I love that you guys view the cadians as being closer to the older style, I have the older style ones as my army, and I view them as too much like the newer ones! I guess they are actually some sort of mid point. The guys that really attract me is the squid head ones as a regiment of sub humans sent to fight for their sins of mutation... would love to get some of them, but they are forgeworld prices sadly :(

You can't have them the same, otherwise the GW lawyers would be rightly knocking on your door! :P What we really need is GW to give us some new models... maybe we'll be up for recasts next codex? As I've said before they can add an entire new Guardsman range with a mere three boxes, so I'm still hoping some regiments get that treatment before then. If nothing else then at least a new Catachan Guardsman box!


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