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Chaos Lord and Sanctic Daemonlogy Support


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Now that Chaos Psykers (not one with Damon rule, of course) can take Sanctic Daemonolgy, you could use a Sorceror, roll on the Sanctic Table, and attach him to your Chaos Lord/Elite Bodyguard for almost universally good results:


1 - Gates of Infinity -- Great for getting Abbadon and those Terminators accros the board turn 1


2 - Hammerhand -- Adding +2S to your unit is amazing, no matter who they are; even basica CSM attacking S6 are quite solid


3 - Sanctuary -- Combine with a unit that has Mark of Tzeentch and a decent Invul save already, like Terminators or 1K Sons, for a 3++


4 - Purge Soul -- Decent little Focused Witchfire, especially on a PML (4) like Ahriman, who can spit out multiple witchfire a tunr


5 - Cleansing Flame -- Amazing anti-horde power... enough said


6 - Vortex of Doom -- Ultimate "Nuclear Strike" witchfire power; high risk, high reward



Now all of these are options, but one that I like the best is taking a Chaos Lord on a Bike with Blade of the Relentless (from Crimson Slaughter book) and a bunch of Chaos Spawn and attaching a Biker Sorceror with Hammerhand to them... that means that the Chaos Lord is Striking at S6, enabling him to power up his sword quickly with lots of kills (he might even get 4-5 kills in a single round, making his weapon S+2 AP2 naturally... combine this with Hammerhand again and you are striking at S8 AP2, all at I5). It also means that the Spawn are S7, so they can threaten vehicles and infantry alike.


If you happen to get Sanctuary as well, you can combine that with Sigil of Corruption and Mark of Tzeentch to get a 2++ on your Lord, without even sacrificing an extra close combat weapon (like with a Storm Shield).

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Oh, good point about Mark of Tzeentch... well, you can still combine it with Sigil of Corruption to get a 3++ and then give your Chaos Lord some other Mark (say Nurgle, for T6 on a Bike... combine with 3++ to make a very tough melee character).

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