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First game in over a year, so first of 7th.


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I'll cut to the chase. :)   please help with accurate info as the following seem very wrong.


Blast weapons, in this case  typhoon frag missiles and vindicator cannon. Was hit on both of these units and got the result that meant I could only snap fire next round. The rule book say that blast weapons cannot fire snapshot, ergo my opponent was adamant that I couldn't fire the weapons at all. 


correct yes or no?   as whats the point of blast weapons when the chances are high this result will come up a lot.





Assualt. Under 'move initial charger' page 46 of the softback rule book. 


'if a charging model cannot reach any enemy models, it must try to move within 2" horizontally or 6" vertically of one of its own unit's models that is already in base contact with an enemy. "


So, the situation went like this,  he charged his warboss and nobz unit at my LRC. Only his warboss made it in, the rest were strung out behind him. So technically only 2 would of been within 2" of the warboss. He uses this rule to then move all 10 nobz to surround the LRC using each nobz that was newly placed next to the last as the next measure and so on, the furthest away nobz ended up having a 24" charge clear acorss the table to the far side of the LRC, while the charge he rolled was 9" which only got his warboss in contact. 


This seems waaaay broken and I'm almost sure hes read it wrong. Please tell me he got it wrong, there must be a FAQ or something to correctly interpret this. 




I've asked this on a thread that is talking about it, but I stick it here as well.

1 ork trukk, has the rule 'fast'


He  moved 12" in the movement phase, didn't shoot and moved it another 12" to go "flatout"


I read it as 12" then a further 6", but by doing so it triggers a dangerous terrain test?



Any help on these I will be grateful.





Oh, as a after thought, the Black Templars really got screwed over huh. 


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1 - He's right, a Blast Weapon can never be fired as a Snap Shot.  This makes vehicles with such weapons (especially Vindicators) very tempting targets for anti-tank fire as even if they survive, they aren't shooting back a fair amount of the time.  Incidentally, the Typhoon Missile Launcher in your example could have fired it's Krak Missiles as Snap Shots as they do not have the Blast weapon type.
2 - He's wrong here, they only move the charge distance they roll.  Models that charge must attempt to engage with an enemy model if possible (they can't hang back) but that doesn't give permission for models to exceed the charge distance rolled.
3 - I've answered this for you in the aforementioned thread.

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Thanks very much, I'm really glad about the 2nd one I knew he had it wrong. Sucks about the other ones though. On an up note, I turned his warboss and 10 nobz into paste the following turn.


Totally forgot about the krak missles at this point due to the debates going on over these issues, hes a good friend of mine so it can get pretty heated(in a good natured way) and go on for a bit. Was also very late as we spent a while with faces in books getting back in the swing of things. 


Thanks again. :)

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2 - He's wrong here, they only move the charge distance they roll. Models that charge must attempt to engage with an enemy model if possible (they can't hang back) but that doesn't give permission for models to exceed the charge distance rolled.

Don't they have the ability to Pile In at their Initiative step? It's only 3", but it can make up the difference for some, but not 24".

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