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White Scars / Mongolian Faces help

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Hi all


I want to paint the faces of my white scars to be be Mongolian but so far haven't been able to achieve anything usable.


Chaplainmikeys' tutorial from http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/295448-painting-faces-tutorial/ looks to be very useful, especially the red glaze idea.

This is the reference pic I'm using but since I can't paint faces at the best of times I'm struggling, any help would be greatly appreciated.

I suppose I'm asking mostly for palette or colour help.



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Hmm. I came kinda close to that working on my Broken Arrows:


The one on the left particularly. It's a tricky thing. Lots of balancing reds against browns against yellows. Unfortunately I didn't take notes as I was painting it, and had to reconstruct the process from (shoddy) memory afterwards. So you may not trust the order of things, but this will give you a palette to work with:

Primed light gray
Basecoat Dark Flesh
Wash Badab Black
Basecoat a mix of Dark Flesh and Balor Brown. Comes out looking like a reddish peach color.
Add more Brown and some Kommando Khaki. Looks a bit more peachy. Use as second basecoat.
More Khaki, maybe more Brown. Looks yellowish. Used as highlight.
Make a bit brighter with more Khaki or Bleach Bone. Used as second highlight.
Devlan Mud wash.
Very light Baal Red wash.
Touch up as necessary.
Anyway, my work doesn't quite match the skin tone you're looking for 100%, but this should put you on the right track.
Don't beat yourself up over it too much at any rate. Flesh tones are arguably the hardest thing to master in painting models, next to OSL, NMM and such. Keep reference pictures like that one you have close when you're painting, because skin tones are very complex, and it's easy to forget the subtleties when working from memory.

Thanks man, some really useful mixes there to have a play with.

I'm at a very enjoyable stage with my painting where every new step is an adventure, I'm confident enough that I'll get it right eventually and half the fun is messing up and seeing what happens.

My test heads have shown me how to paint sunburn at least!


If anyone else wants to chime in that would be great

One thing to remember with Marines is that their skin color/tone is going to vary based on their Melachromic Organ as well. It's possible that you could have squads of the same Chapter fighting in different star systems (or even different worlds in the same system) with different skin tones due to solar radiation level differences.

In the 1st pic I was getting too much glare off the highlights, making them look much too stark - had to bounce the light to reduce it.

He looks like he's blushing doesn't he!

Im trying now with adding the baal red wash earlier, in a mix with reikland flesh shade so I can better control the red with the highlights


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