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Unresolved Issues Between Traitors?


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It is also strange now that the Chaos Undivided thing is not supposed to exist. It messes up Abaddon (Not a Daemon Prince, but The Chosen One), Peturabos, and Lorgar's ascensions.

I never really got "Undivided" Daemon Princes. There's not independent Chaos gestalt that can just grant marks, like some UN of Hell, so how does a soul get elevated without a patron god?


Abaddon makes enough sense - he's earned the favor of all four Chaos Gods, and is marked by each. I always took it that the same thing happened to Lorgar, but Peterabo has never really been explained well. The whole "Mark of Chaos Undivided" era of background caused some weird background.


I always took Undivided princes as the ones raised by all four chaos gods but not beholden to any single god in particular. I always thought of it as the greatest honor for Chaos because the big four was able to agree on one thing!


Plus for some of the Primarch Daemon princes it doesn't make sense for them to swear allegiance to any one god in particular. Peturabo is always my go to example because he doesn't really mesh well with any of the four gods. 


Of course that's part of the past now. 

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3. Fulgrim doing what he did to Perturabo never happened in the old fluff so this is new and something I would be keen to look out for. Keep in mind they will no doubt see each other again in the skies over Terra so I'm sure there will be a reckoning there. Perturabo was disgusted by how Fulgrim's legion fell. How Slaanesh works in general. However, he doesn't even raise an eyebrow at what the Dark Mech allies he has with him do. Which is why I don't think he has that much of an issue raising to demonhood. Now if Slaanesh raised him to godhood I think he would have an issue, but Chaos in general? No. Keep in mind that he follows a path once his feet hit it. He has started the walk down the Chaos tainted yellow brick road and will see it to through the end which usually means either spawnhood or demonhood.


If you get the Heresy novel Angels Exterminatus, this will cover the III & the IV legion.


Also just to say comment 1 on the originally post.  Not sure about the Thousand Son's Primarch, but Khayon? did make a comment about it in the recent release Talons of Horus novel.



Just out of curiosity what did Khayon have to say about it? Haven't gotten to Talon yet. Still working on getting through Vengeful Spirit. 

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I always took Undivided princes as the ones raised by all four chaos gods but not beholden to any single god in particular. I always thought of it as the greatest honor for Chaos because the big four was able to agree on one thing!

Yeah, that makes enough sense for the Primarchs, I suppose. Really do wish we could have multi-marked Chaos Lords, like in 2nd Edition - made stuff like this more sensible.
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Eh, this seems like a perfectly minor thing to ignore. The rules thing probably sucks for those that play. But lorewise, far as I'm concerned it's still a thing.


It makes it sound like there is no Warp. There is no Chaos. Just four Gods, and everything immaterial is one of them. Which is just straight bad fluff.

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The warp is still the warp and inside of it you have the chaos gods. Makal or however you spell the name hasn't been around since Rogue Trader days. But even after that there was still Chaos Undivided. It hasn't been until these last (two?) codexes that you HAD to pick a god.

Malal predates 40k entirely by at least a year, WHFRPG was published in 86, 40k was 87-88 (copyrighted in 87 though I'm unsure of the release date,, I'm not THAT old, unlike Forte msn-wink.gif ). Also Malal never really made it into 40k fluff, so technically never existed in the 41st millenniinniinnillum. Unless there is something in a Black Library story somewhere linking the Sons of Malice to Malal (as far as I'm aware the only connection between the two is that the Sons of Malace wear Black and White plate and a cartoon character 'Kaleb Daark' who worhipped Malal wore the ame, 40k conspiracy theorists just made assumptions :D )then I'd say the Renegade god has nothing to do with the pantheon at all. Personally I think Malal players are just chaos hipsters trynna be cool msn-wink.gif


Edit 1 - If there is a Black Library story linking the two then please let me know, I'd be interested in reading that.

Edit 2 - I am aware that there is concept sketches for Malal Daemons that were originally done for RoC, that would also mean Malal would have been a 40k god, but as the creator was no longer with GW and he held the rights GW couldn't use them, thus Malal never made it into RoC and the 40k fluff, that why I commented on Malal never existing n 40k...

I do apologize if this post came across a bit asshattish, I have been on that 'Christians against Dinosaurs' group on FB trolling both sides and I am now stuck in the 'FACTS' and 'PROOF' mindset, gonna wind down now and plan a Sons of Malice quad for the Call :P

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Malal is Malice. The guy(s) that created Malice took him with them when they left. There was a big copy right battle over it. Malal and one more were created by GW and together they were supposed to replace Malice but didn't take.
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Also, just to be a complete pain in the ass, Belakor is a Daemon prince, Lorgar  a daemon Primarch, two totally different things :D :D :D :D



Im just kidding, doing away with undivided is stupid, my largest army is Word Bearers and I refuse to use marks as I have armies of the other 4 gods, If I want a Nurgle prince I'll play a Nurgle army, dont wanna mark units just to be able to use them. -.-



Also I just thought, Ignore my Malal post,, I'll start a new thread to talk about that as to not derail this one... 

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Malal is Malice. The guy(s) that created Malice took him with them when they left. There was a big copy right battle over it. Malal and one more were created by GW and together they were supposed to replace Malice but didn't take.

It's the other way around. Malice is meant to be a replacement (or seems to be, it's never stated) of Malal, who GW had to give up alongside three other Gods named after noted Fantasy authors.

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