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"Count-As" Special Characters


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Hi all at the B&C.

Long time lurker, first time poster here. I haven't played since about 4th edition and to my understanding Special Character rules are a bit stricter now but even so here is my question:

Can I use special character rules with a different model, as to represent my own similar character?

I really like the rules for Malakim Phoros (Forge World Lamenters Chapter Master) and would love to use them to represent my own chapter master on the field!

Just wondering if that was perfectly reasonable! rolleyes.gif

Thanks in advance,


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My understanding for Space Marines is as long as you use the appropriate chapter tactics you are good.  Just no using Lysander in an Iron Hands army for instance.  Also better if the character is somewhat WYSIWYG.

Well, this and making sure their equipment is adequately represented. Fielding Lysander as a Power Armour marine with a BP and Chainsword would raise more than an eyebrow.

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Well, this and making sure their equipment is adequately represented. Fielding Lysander as a Power Armour marine with a BP and Chainsword would raise more than an eyebrow.

That indeed would raise eyebrows. I would not have a problem with using the Lysander model as Arjac or vice versa or a kitbashed terminator with Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield even though they are from different codices.
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