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Beating orks in close combat


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When you have decimated them with shooting, then you can charge and finish them. Otherwise, it is very expensive to be directly more efficient in CC than orcs.

I guess that honour guards are our most point-efficient unit in melee.

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Yes it is possible but you must reduce them bellow 10 models also clearing the characters out helps too as the 2nd result on the table keys off of them.


Do both of these things and they only have a 1 in 6 chance of treating the test asassed.

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You'd have to read the ork codex.  Things have changed about their ability to fail morale and be swept.  Regardless, you don't want to try to put a single marine unit in CC vs an ork unit of similar or larger size.  Remember the old adage....shoot the choppy ones....

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  • 6 months later...
A Landspeeder Storm has a cerebus launcher that forces a Initiative test or blind whatever the large blast template lands over. Orks have awful initiative, so blind them, and charge in with everything, with little chance of reprisal.
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getting the charge on them with bikes is key, wounding on 6 is huge with a 3+ save. Tbh 5 ccw scouts in a storm can take 10-12 boys if the storm can blind them and they are able to shoot down a few, since the orks go last, hitting on 5s and wounding on 5s, only the power klaw will do much

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