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Crusade Army List Book best way to represent Night Lords?

Noctem Cultor

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Hi all,


Long time collector/player and back collecting my 8th Legion Force.


I have been very disapointed with Chaos Codex's since playing for a Traitor Marine force and can't stand the idea of Proxy Blood Angels for my Night Lords. After rereading ADB Night Lord Trilogy I decided I want another shot at the force but this time im using The Forgeworld Heresy Rulebook.


Now I'm not super competitive but do like my lists to seem fluffy, I mean I wouldn't take a shooty Khorne list. But getting my free Night Vision back and the Legion rules this seems like the best way to represent a Fluff correct Night Lords force.


What do you guys think Agree or Disagree?


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I traded CSM for vanilla legion at first, then the Night Lords legion rules the day Massacre came out. Never once looked back.


I've never had more fun with them as with the NL legion rules, whether standard or the Terror Assault doctrine

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30K legions dance around 40k lists, but you have to worm a little getting heresy rules to work against 40k.

I have heard that some rules like Fear don't fit well because in 40k almost everybody is Fearless. I'm not competitive myself so I don't mind tweeking until I've got a nasty list that works well for 30k and 40k.

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