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Loadouts for Biker Lord?


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Greatings folks, I have a local tournament coming up. I have a MoK Crimson Slaughter Biker Chaos Lord (that's a mouthfull) as my warlord. I am torn between fisticlaws and the Blade of the Relentless for weapons. What do you fine people suggest, comments and questions appreciated. Fyi the lord is riding with a pack of Khorne Bikers with Icon of Vengeance.

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In my opinion the biker lord has multiple fantastic layouts. If ur going Crimson Slaughter, and you should be, standard as always is a sigil, daemonheart, slaughter horns. Now from here is where you can make it a little different. Like Incinerator says, Slaanesh with the BotR and keeping your bolt pistol or making it a plasma (i dont prefer that) you keep the extra attack and get some high intitiative S5 AP3 attacks on the charge. You could go tzeentch with fisticlaws to have a 2+/3++ tank who can still dish it out. If you face lots of small arms fire in your area, make him nurgle instead of tzeentch. 


If youre not using the CS dex and stick with the normal CSM dex, then go nurgle with fisticlaws, or take a claw and brand on a slaanesh lord. I dont prefer to make him MoK and take the axe because I feel like its better to have him on a juggernaught if youre making him Khorne. But everyones experience varies. 

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If your running MoK, why not consider a daemonic mount? The juggerlord is a very useful hard hitting unit, he can accompany spawn or cultists and all are easy to kitbash or buy from fleabay.


I run MoS CS on a steed with BotR, it does well enough and is usually overlooked by opponents.

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The CS supplement is pretty much how you should play CSM since all the WL traits are good, there is daemon heart, slaughterers horns, divination, and can turn a HQ into possessed (which is fantastic for summoning) then it also gives your whole army fear for free. Zero downside except no black mace or khorne axe.

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I miss the burning brand a lot, but cs gives the 2+ IWnD, fear across the board and a sweetdaemon sword. BL gives a nice daemon sword and chosen as troops (which I think you should get anyway). Also CS gives you FC and CounterAttack on a HQ for 15pts.


There worth getting, CS for the rules and BL for some real sweet background.


And I'll be starting a LaD army soon keirdale!

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Thank you for the explanation, Bozo.

Damn that sounds good.

Fear across the board? Now that's more like it!


And I'll be starting a LaD army soon keirdale!

Oh really? You filthy, traitorous wretc- oh wait, I'm not in the IG forum :D

I look forward to seeing it!

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Thanks for the input folks! I may end up staying with MoK for that sweet IoV charge range reroll. I just may drop my Lord on a juggie though. My local meta is all over the place, wave serpents however are quite common.

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I also think MoK Lord on jug with 5 spawn (MoK if you wish) Can be pretty darn brutal too. Having T6 spawn is great but S6 on the charge with if you're lucky 40 attacks can really put the hurt on a blob of guard or... anything really. MMMMM

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Not sure, prophet gives daemon (5++, fear), fleet and fearless - MoT gives an invul +1, so I think you still only get the 4++.


Unless you mean on a roll of the Slaves table, in which case you can get 3++ and rending, which is awesome.


Although now im considering a Lord MoT on disk with the burning brand - could be very nasty indeed.

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