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Wave Serpent Killer


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Unless you have 3 or more Land Raiders (maybe 2 or a combo with a Spartan could work too) with something like Invisibility, Void Shields, or 4++ on them, a single Land Raider really is not durable whatsoever unless the opponent is unprepared for AV14.

Correct. That does not refute what I said. 


smash allows reroll of armor pen rolls when smashing

Yes, it is also a single attack and opens up the creature to assault. 


The point remains: Landraiders are extremely durable, it takes a specialist unit or a large concerted effort by the enemy army to eliminate or neutralize one. Therefore we can use this to our advantage to focus on scoring objectives and denying them to our opponents. 

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Like Synidus said, throwing krak grenades at the rear armour will work really well and that's usually something people tend to forget or not prepare for. A full squad throw 10 grenades at the rear armour with strength 6, it's nothing to laugh at.


Or a 5 man squad with melta bombs is quite interesting as well. There's a chance you'll blow part of your squad as well, but at least you'll have damaged the unit inside.


Shooting a tank open is safer for sure than going in close, but breaking the line with 10 power armoured Marines requires a significant diversion of firepower to deal with seriously.

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only one model per squad can throw a grenade



I think he meant throwing the grenade in assault, which is why he later mentions shooting being safer.


Yes I did :) And you can't throw melta bombs at something, only in melee. Melta bombs might seem a bit overkill on an AV10 rear armour especially if the transport is cheap (Rhino), but against a Wave Serpent or a Rhino containing a large and resilient enough unit, I have no problem sacrificing a few guys if it ensures that the firepower is down and the unit is stuck to footslogging.


The good bit with Krak Grenades is that you won't be able to blow it up which is awesome when dealing with vehicles like Predators or Vindicator or Russes who don't carry troops. But if the Serpent is carrying some nasty unit inside like Wraithguards with D-scythes, sometimes it's better to risk blowing yourself up in the blast :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

well sure a land raider can tank a serpent, but it leaves it open to almost all of the other armies that mulch land raiders like no problem

Name them.

Brightlances. I basically can't fight against Eldar at all because of these damned things. They're S8, AP2 weapons that have lance: treat any armor value greater than 12 as only 12. Even worse is the Fire Prism with it's focused fire mode: S9, AP1, also lance. So it has a 50/50 chance to penetrate a Raider, and at AP1 the liklihood of an 'Explodes!' result is abnormally high. Wave Serpents can take a twin-linked Brightlance as an upgrade (and many do). They're such a huge pain in the ass, even when I run multiple Raiders.

EDIT: Oh yeah, did I mention the Fire Prism has 60" range with that S9, AP 1 lance weapon? Because it does.

Also, good to see another Chaos player in the Capital District! biggrin.png

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On the topic of actually killing Wave Serpents, our local Astra Militarum player doesn't seem to have much difficulty as he runs 2-3 Vanquisher Russ in a squadron and targets the squad with Perfect Timing from a primaris psyker (or two) nestled safely nearby.  Ignore Cover on what is essentially a long-range meltagun is insanely good.  Even if the Serpent Shield negates the penetrating hits, he still guarantees that the Serpent isn't going to be using it's shield offensively for fear of being completely plowed by tank-killer shells.

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