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DIY terrain projects... Dark altar, gate and fortress


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Hey never really frequented the WIP forum, just alot of new movement here all the time. I thought I would show something that has been pretty fun to play with that I've been working on for a while. Its a DIY castellum stronghold.


heres what i've got so far.

We start off with the over view.



Next is the Tacticus bunker.




After that we have each of the bunker annexes one at each end and the free standing one.










There will be turrets on each of the exposed corners comprised of similar materials to the upside down medicine cups on view atop the tacticus bunker.

Thanks for the replies everyone i've got some updates on this although its not all the way done.





Below are some shots of the details. I placed ladder things at a three points on the walls for easier movement of troops. I made sure the doors were green but I might need to add some more detail to them, since they get a bit lost in the dark grey.










I still want to add something to give the impression of a shield barrier. The forgeworld team does this with some caution/hazard striping at the gate areas but i'm thinking more insertable clear plastic barrier with a red tint.

This project was done in conjunction with making myself a modular gaming table (ala realm of battle style). which i also have WIP pics if your interested.


I bought most material at Home depot.

3/16" hardboard base 2x4 $5

xps polystyrene 10x8' (1in thick) wall/bunker $10

pink foam insulation 2x2' (1in thick) wall/bunker $5

turrets are upside down medecine cups. ?

aluminum mesh $5

canson acrylic paper board (its kinda like plastic on one side and cardboard on the other.) for decking $10

Used GW box cardboard (from model packaging) for details on the deck.  free?

paint $10


so like $40

GW cost about $120 or 90bps


i think i spent about 8 hours on it all together?

  • 1 year later...

so i wanted to revive this thread since I have gotten to play less these days and have spent more time working on terrain.

in addition to the castellum fortress i had several other terrain Ideas that I wanted to try out. 


on the Hydrostation Powerdam, or the latin equivalent of that phrase.

I have always been inspired by this project on warseer,



and the acid dam from the 6th ed rule book.

The problem with both of those dam incarnations is that they are not modular they are built into the board which is problematic for several reasons. Most which involve playability and inflexibilty. There fore i have begun to attempt my own version of this idea.




 Here's what I got so far. its modular its got out flow that can have liquid effect added but its gonna need some more detail. The mesh overlies two pipes that run in the space under the top decking. i just need some suitible damage, a convincing railing  and paint and this thing should be ready to go.




here it is to scale. its nice cause it can act as a LOS blocker and works to break up large swathes of the board very effectively. Its modular so it can go where you need it and its tall, close to 4" in height. should be cool. i already discovered a problem through.. how am i gonna pain the pipes inside?!

Next project will be some more ruins. ive got a couple but want enough to make a few more for the ruined city that the dam is supposed to be powering.




Progress so far is limited but it will pick up when i've got my dam done. There is one more terrain peice that i've got in mind. and its gonna be big. I am going to do my damnedest to reproduce this...



For those that follow this space, ive been working on my own home gaming space due to the fact that my old, much beloved gaming club is now pretty far away. So I have now aquired the sector imperialis and there shall be many city battles that take place. Here is the progress so far.




The Fortress monastery - there have been some new developments on this huge  building but it remains unfinished so far. the battlements have been added and the external towers have been built to support the anti-air guns. The orbital laser shall be placed where the vengence batteries currently sit.

 The astropathic relay center - like most of the ruins it needs a few details added and some light sand on the floor level.
Monastery - I tore out the the crater in the rear as it was too large and slightly unplayable. new iteration will be smaller. Not sure what will happen with the PVC piping.

Manufactorum Complex - with the generator cluster on the groundfloor will shall have to see what happens with this building.

Shrine of the the Aquila and administratum building. The aquila needs some sidewalk/ lamppost deatils and perhaps an internal sarcophgus or some other internal features, Garden of Morr style?

but just because I haven't been playing doesn't mean i haven't been busy... The majority of my time has been spent building terrain. So will start with the WIP.




 Mechanicum forge with adeptus-mechanicus floor insignia

 DIY building and skyshield

 A really terrible picture, of my DIY damn and vengeance batteries

 DIY chapel

The imperial sector ruins.

And now the work in progress.


The imperial sactum.


Basillica Imperialis


Still need to work on the eagle.

DIY ruin



The mechanicus forge.

The Dam.

Still lots more work to do but i'm off to a good start.

Just to give a sense of how things are shaping up heres the ruins that I've completed so far in a game against grey knights.

will need to use my better camera next time Iphone doesn't like the lighting.









I think it looks ok but a few of the buildings need some more visual interest and ground cover. I do also feel that it would be nice to have some smaller intact buildings with rooves.


Other components of the urban project will be an urban highway, some sort of DIY power generator thing perhaps some dodads for the more empty buildings. For example this building...




was going to be some sort of containment facility with various xeno specimens inside the jars... but I think i may need to spread them out and put up a low ruined back wall.


one thing that alot of the terrain does effectively is block LOS which is cool and with the exception of LOS ignoring weapons makes for a more interesting game.

LOS blocking terrain is a rather important part of the game that the internet often seems to forget. It makes for MUCH more interesting games!

I'm a big fan of what's going on here, especially with that containment facility. It's giving me ideas...

  • 4 weeks later...

Well  hope you like it. its not all finished yet, but here we go.


most of this stuff is gonna be contributed for the purpose of terrain for FLGS ( friendly local game store). I wanted to make it for a campaign 'ill be trying to do in January. My last campaign was a so so event, a major learning experience, and this time around I've made it so that I won't being directly participating but full on GMing. But with the new gaming club a little understocked I've decided to contribute in a major way. Terrain!


So one thing we really need is a jungle terrain theme. So here's my efforts at that. All of these peices have a steel washer affixed to the underside. I am considering that this could then be affixed magnetically to the base using magnetic strips, which will help to keep them together.











I also needed something like an evil shrine to be the site of some cultist worship.






That is all carved from pink foam except for the skull which is a cardboard skull from a halloween sale a michaels hobby and craft store. I need to paint it up but it should have some nice jungle features added to it.


Lastly I've been getting a kind of generatorum complex together using humus containers and hot glue and sequins from joann fabrics.



  • 1 month later...

Its been a while since this was updated. Holidays, family, job, the works. But here's the newest stuff.


Fortress monastery with defence laser.








Start of a DIY world map for a new campaign.




DIY gentorium complex




Heres the newest stuff.

Well I had some time availible today and it has helped get some of this stuff done in a major way.


Here are some close to finalized pieces.


Altar of the lost Gods

maybe needs a bit more vegitation but nearly done.








The Virtruvian gate - scifi generator type thing I was going to use as an important location for an upcoming campaign.


Not sure if I should make the floor industrial or sand/ dirt. Perhaps dirt overlying hard concrete with some bare spots?






Final assembly of the Fortress monastery with orbital defense laser. primed and ready to accept paint.


 First I give you the whole enchilada. Pretty proud of this thing. the platforms to the sides are where quad autocannon anti aircraft guns can be placed. I also added a in between balcony as the means to acess the rooftop battlements with a door that can be accessed from the inside.





Heres the front blastdoor where a rhino or predator might fit.


the battlements of the bunker annex and the catwalks to the antiaircraft platforms.



One of the anti air platforms


Opposite side of the fortress monastery.


Upper balcony with battlement access.


if you've ever seen the guns of Navarone, well eat you heart out...



Backside of the fortress monastery. With power systems to power the orbital cannon and coolant apparatus to prevent overheat.



This thing stands about 15inches tall but has a lot of means to acess all that space. Its gonna be pretty epic to fight over.



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