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The Cult of Orange

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February 9, 2018.

Day 40 - Apologies on the :cuss phone pics but I still don't have my light box set up.

Helmet done on the Gravis Captain. I am GROSSLY out of practice but this is a step in the right direction to getting

my mojo back. This close up I see all the flaws and there are so many. Ha! Right now this ONLY passes the 3 foot rule.

Prime white

Base Ral Partha Neo Soviet Brown

Wash with Agrax Earth Shade

2nd coat of NeoSov Brown

Next layer is Goose Feather (sorry don't recall the manufacturer)

First highlight with Ral Partha Bone White

2nd highlight with Satin Cream (again not sure on the manufacturer).

Metallic bits done with:

Iron Wind Metals Steel

GW Brazen Brass

GW Beaten Copper

Eye Visors:

Ral Partha Paladin Blue

Ral Partha Bluefang Blue

Ral Partha True Blue

Craft Essentials Carribean Coast

Only brought up the highlights in the front half as this helms sits down in the Gravis armor.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Been working on finding a new (and/or 2nd) job since the last post. Revived most of my paints and cleaned up a bit of the indoor hobby area and a lot of the garage hobby area. Should have the light box all set back up this week so hopefully no more crappy phone pics here soon.

Anyone, progress (albeit small) tonight on the Dragon Suns Primaris Captain.


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  • 2 weeks later...
March 4, 2018.
Day 63 - Looking for a new job while my current one grinds me down has gotten me behind hobby wise. Managed some good progress since last post though.
White is done the same as the helmet from weeks back only...not as crappy or as chalky.
Red armor isn't quite what I wanted but it works. The 4 Vallejo reds (Black, Hull, Burnt and 926 red) are just a little too close in the values. Took the high lights up to Vallejo 910 Orange Red on the Captain.


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Well after no painting for so so long and then jumping back in the deep end, I still need a lot of practice. Still trying to get the old G9 to get pics the way I want.

Anyway, Dragon Suns Primaris Captain. The logo is slightly modified (no tail under the pyramid) as going that small to fit it all in just made it unrecognizable.

Won't be correcting the mistakes on this guy but just moving forward with the rest of the army and learning from each as I go and hopefully get back to a "paint every day" type setting again.





Went back and took shots with the phone. Really shows all the issues but I'll work them.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Some progress. Slowly feeling some skills coming back. This guy is certainly better than the Captain I would say. Freehand skills are still really rusty and my ability to do text has diminished a lot....but....progress.

Two Lieutenants are up next, hopefully with a bit more alacrity than this guy.






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While I love the colouration and design of these guys, I have to ask:


They seem to be much darker than the one on page 2 and 3. What happened along the way that made them go from that nice bright orange to the.... I guess burnt umber? :lol:


(also hi Kurgan thanks for the help again!)

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Seriously liking the deep rich red, like a fresh arterial spray. It pairs really well with the warm bone white.


Execution takes time, don't rush it if it's not realistic. I keep thinking I'm going too slow with my own painting process and I've just come to accept that it takes the time it takes if I want a particular outcome. So many steps can't really be rushed past a certain point, then it's just a matter of trying to be accurate to avoid time spent on cleanup.

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While I love the colouration and design of these guys, I have to ask:


They seem to be much darker than the one on page 2 and 3. What happened along the way that made them go from that nice bright orange to the.... I guess burnt umber? :laugh.:


(also hi Kurgan thanks for the help again!)



Orange guys are my Chapter, The Vultures.


These primaris guys are the Dragon Suns Chapter.

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While I love the colouration and design of these guys, I have to ask:


They seem to be much darker than the one on page 2 and 3. What happened along the way that made them go from that nice bright orange to the.... I guess burnt umber? :laugh.:


(also hi Kurgan thanks for the help again!)

Orange guys are my Chapter, The Vultures.


These primaris guys are the Dragon Suns Chapter.

Ooooh. That makes a lot of sense now. I suppose I got confused because I saw a Primaris in your Chapter's colours, then these new ones and was like "Wait, what?" :lol:
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  • 2 months later...

What is this? Progress?

Helblasters are done. Still a long way to go for me to get back to where I used to be quality wise but every step forward is good. Intercessors or Inceptors next...we will see.


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  • 5 years later...

Cogitators flare into life. Gears begin to grind and the dust of ages is scattered through out the hall......an ancient behemoth awakens........



Trying to get back into the modelling after such a long lay off....


So why not start with FW Resin. Easy right?


Endryd Haar getting converted into a Vultures Marine.

Should pads come courtesy of Hunting Heresy on Etsy {@Hunting_heresy on IG). You can see some samples of both the Vultures and the Dragon Suns (two chapters buried in this thread somewhere.....)





Hoping to get assembly and primer taken care of tomorrow.



Initial prep work. Ditched the World Eater Shoulder pad and Backpack, along with Haar's head, as we (of course) need the Vultures Helmet.



Last bit of clean up:








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2 hours ago, Terminatorinhell said:

Silly question but where do you get the gargoyle heads from anyway?


Those are old-school 3rd edition Raptor helmets! The bits would probably be pretty expensive nowadays, but they could probably be found recreated by printers or recasters somewhere.

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8 hours ago, phandaal said:


Those are old-school 3rd edition Raptor helmets! The bits would probably be pretty expensive nowadays, but they could probably be found recreated by printers or recasters somewhere.



I got mine ages ago when you get get metal bits by the gram at Games Day USA. Bought around 300 helmets in one go. Think I have 200 or so left these days. It was $.25 a gram back then so I think I paid $10.00 for the lot (2003 I think was the year). 
Sadly I have not been able to find a 3D sculpt to match so if someone knows of one, I am all ears.

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Mother Nature gifted me with a pretty gnarly sinus infection the last week or so, as such, not much progress. 


Pictures are sadly a bit blurry. 

Double prime  using "Paprika" from Krylon and then Cadmium Orange Hue from Liquitex. Hopefully some good progress over the long weekend here in the States.











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