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Am toying with an idea for a chaos army led by a dark apostle with tons of cultists. Anyone have any thoughts on cultists?


I'm thinking they are basically there to boost my numbers,I expect them all to die and anything else they do before is a bonus.


My rough one thousand point list is


Dark apostle


Two units of twenty cultists. Two heavy stubbers each


Three predator annihilators


Two dreadnoughts with heavy flamer and multimelta.


Its themed around my dark apostle and a small warband of chaos marines backed up by lots of cultists and armour.


Will probably worship slaanesh, tzeentch or malal.


Any thoughts on using cultists?

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I've used an Apostle with MoT for the 3++ and the Brand, with 2, 20 strong units of cultists with flamers.  Fun times, makes a great tarpit.  I also like to upgrade them with autoguns because that's usually more effective then their close combat.


Maybe drop one Predator to see if you can run barebones Helcult Formations with the dreads.  Cultists with Fearless are pretty nice and they gain Zealot (Fearless and Hatred) if the dread dies. 

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For the Helcults, the cultists are primarily there as a delivery system for the dreads, that way you can really tailor the dreads for the role you want them to play.  


The cultists give the dread a 3+ cover save if they partially obscure the dread from the firer.  


The dread also gains Rage from this formation as well.


if you play around with the numbers, one squad of cultists could be 20 with 2 flamers and the other just plain... since a Helcult is 2 squads of cultists and a dread.  Keep the plain cultists out front, and the flamers close to the dread with the heavy flamer for a good Wall of Death for any one trying to assault.

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Is not going to work. Army to slow to take objectives and not shoty enough to counter stuff. An av13+wall requires more then 3 tanks and by themself the dreads and the apostol don't do much no matter what their set up of gear is[while costing actual points].

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I've found playing against people who don't know anything about Cultist panic when they see the squad size. There are so many Cultist your opponent focuses on them rather then a lone Dred, Oblits squad etc. By the time they figure out Cultists just meat shields and they should have been paying more attention to your other units, whats left of the Cultist horde is within charge range. :P Yaa Tarpit!

Don't usually upgrade anything with Cultist. 85% usually die in the games i've played lol. teehee.gif

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If Cultists could get a Rhino or other transport to maximize their squad size, I think that a Cultist army would be cool. I'd suggest to wait and see what's in the Imperial Armor 13: Warmachines of the Lost and the Damned (think I remembered the name correctly). It's rumored to have Traitor Guard, so you could put those cultists to better use!

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Any thoughts on using cultists?

I have used them in large squads with my infantry heavy list and they can be effective.  What I would be worried about in the OP list is that any enemy that can not penetrate AV12 only has two options as to what they will be firing at.  The dark apostle and the cultists.

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Am toying with an idea for a chaos army led by a dark apostle with tons of cultists. Anyone have any thoughts on cultists?

Two units of twenty cultists. Two heavy stubbers each

I, personally don't view 40 cultists as 'tons'.


Get 2 x hell cults with 20 man cultist units and youre onto something.

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Am toying with an idea for a chaos army led by a dark apostle with tons of cultists. Anyone have any thoughts on cultists?

Two units of twenty cultists. Two heavy stubbers each

I, personally don't view 40 cultists as 'tons'.


Get 2 x hell cults with 20 man cultist units and youre onto something.



Then take Necrosius! He has the same ability as Typhus to make your Cultists Zombies but also gives them Furious Charge!

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