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BA Infantry survivability (mathahmmer)


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These numbers are not gamebreaking news or anything, but it can be interesting to get a quick overview over what unit's can soak dmg the best per point. Units are barebone without special upgrades (Terminators being a somewhat exception due to stock powerfist/hammers).


Now all of the unit's can get FNP with a priest, but this is not included in the first draft as it can be difficult to quantify (how much does the FNP cover over an avg. game) It can vary depending on opponent and mission. Buying a priest would perhaps increase the unit cost by 25% on avg? anyways they are not included in the first wound. 


My first impressions are (which i guess already are known) is that Corbulu works well with Stormshield Termies due to the fact that bolters/dakka are their largest counter and Corb's does this very well. Having 3++ LoS for str8 is also nice. Another good unit for Corb's would be Sternguard as their surviability is quite bad compared to cost. 


The attack bike has really nice survivability for the price, having them included in a FNP bubble looks really promising, but strong regardless of this.


Sanguinary Guard and Regular bikes are on the bottom of the totempole along with 5++ termies. Not suprising that GK got 33 point termies with the new codex. 


Death Company do very well overall, so they do make for pretty good meatshields. 


I didt add missle launchers in the first round, as they seem pretty rare in todays meta.


Again, this this is just basic math to give a simple overview of survivability. 



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Good work, but I think doesnt tell us too much, other than 2+ save units are bad v plasma?

How about working out how many of each shot it takes to kill a full strength unit/1 model? This scenario is much more likely to occur in-game, than being shot with 100 bolters smile.png

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Actually bolters seem to be the bane for termies, not plasma (except for 5++ termies which are bad in every category). Suprisingly a single priest will make a single 5man SS termie unit more durable per point (this is disgarding the FNP bubble helping other units). Same goes for 10 marines even with the 75point jump pack priest. Considering you also get offensive bonuses they should be auto include even if only affecting a single full unit.



Quick explanation of FNP units (added recently)

For marines: The cost for a priest is taxed to 7.5 more points per model (Priest with JP is 75 points divided by 10 = 7,5)

For termies: The cost for a priest is taxed to 10 more points per model (Naked priest is 50 points divided by 5 = 10)


Overall winners for mixed dmg (10 parts bolters 2 parts plasma 1 part melta)




Link to full spreadsheet:



Really suprised how strong the basic priest is all things considered, getting attack bikes inside the FNP bubble looks quite amazing. If priest don't get changed to much in the new codex release, normal bikes are looking like a really good screen unit for jump infantry. 

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