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Afterlife for Traitor Primarchs?

Noctem Cultor

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Hi all,


Just a random thought earlier that made me think it was worth a discussion.


Where do Primarchs go when they die?

Does the Emperors light save the Loyal and the Chaos Gods torture the Tainted?


Khârn and other Champions are brought back to life all the time by their Gods so why has this not happened to Horus did the Emperor killing him mean it couldn't happen?


And Night Haunter being pretty much the Agnostic Primarchs does he go to Limbo or is he at the Mercy of the Gods he despises?


To my knowledge most other Chaos Primarchs are Daemon Princes so not of this realm any more and Alpha Legion Primarchs Death is shourded in mystery.



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Probably the warp with everything else. Except Horus, his soul was obliterated.

I'd mention the Sapphire King...but I think the Iron Hands fans might(Not unjustly) find my house and murder me in my sleep. tongue.png

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The Emperor completely destroyed Horus's soul. Basically, there is nothing left to go to the afterlife. The main crunch is that everything goes to the warp, most likely to be consumed by daemons. Or possibly become daemons, according to some really really really old fluff.
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This is definitely interesting, especially for the traitor primarchs. Certain ones, like Angron, seem to basically cycle through realspace, never really dying. That totally sucks for the imperium, since it seems all they can really do is banish Angron (and possibly others) back to the warp for a certain amount of time. Such is the benefit of being a daemon primarch tongue.png

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