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Knights of Teuton (SM)


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Well someone's been playing too much Age of Empires...

I'd love to hear some feedback on these chaps I've been working on. Been trawling eBay to get the right guns, cloaks, kit, etc. at the right time. I'm not as good at painting (or taking pictures...) as most people on this forum, but damn it, we've all got to start somewhere happy.png

Going for a Germanic, Teutonic bear-inspired field, hence the fur cloaks on the Sternguard (which the rank and file have to earn).

1st Ursakin Sternguard band
2nd Ursakin Sternguard band
1st Captain Hellestrom and command squad
Vogul, Contemptor Dreadnought
Commander Artimec with (most of) command squad
(Cheeky little WIP of Chapter Master, Champion and Standard Bearer)
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Thanks :) I'm not planning to get a full army out of this, I just make and paint the parts that inspire me (hence the likely rule-breaking Master with assault cannon).


Still unsure on what colour to do the cloaks - experimented with stormy grey, white or Ivory-ish. Suggestions would be most welcome.

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Nice colour scheme. I particularly like the conversions on Reikan and Oberon and Artimec (assuming he's the one with the axe).

If you want any feedback I think your paint looks a little thick in places. Also, did you paint your red directly over black? If so, it may be worth trying a coat of white over the black before applying the red just to get it a little brighter and more contrasting with the black.

As for cloaks, animals all vary, even within a species - just look at human hair. I'd say pick a palette, say a range from ivory through to stormy grey but then experiment and vary it a bit on each cloak to make it look natural. Also, avoid using neat black or white - animal fur is generally a little off the absolute ends of the spectrum.

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Hallo, thanks for the feedback. Yep, Artimec is the one with the aex (I knew I gave them names for a reason!)


Fair point about the paint - the majority of the paints I have are years old; I'm still using Chaos Black! The Red is actually a base layer of boltgun metal with layers of red ink to get the metallic look. I need to work on my Black armour though.

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I like these a lot, it makes me think "forgara" (those of you who ain't played AoE 2 won't get that) i think the red is good but like brother Kravin say it does bleed easily in to the black of the armour. If you want to make it pop alittle more then using your own method as a base I'd suggest swapping out the Boltgun metal for mithril silver (runefang steel in new money).


And never fear using old paints I still have pots of bronzed flesh and twist topped pots of ultramarines blue sometimes the older paints are better.


Will be keeping my eye on this.



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The model for the CM could be used, you'd have to say the Assault Cannon was a chapter relic, maybe the "Primarrch's wrath" for example if your using the standard SM codex

Good idea, however the Primarch's Wrath is a boltgun, not an assault cannon.
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The model for the CM could be used, you'd have to say the Assault Cannon was a chapter relic, maybe the "Primarrch's wrath" for example if your using the standard SM codex

Good idea, however the Primarch's Wrath is a boltgun, not an assault cannon.

Indeed, I missed that little detail when skimming though the codex, could be a count as if people would be willing. I would :)

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Hey chaps, thanks very much for the feedback smile.png

Whohitjohn - I've got some mithril silver and some chainmail, but both gave shades that were a little too... pink for my liking. I'll give it another go though.

Quixus - I didn't actually make the connection to the flag at first! But now that you mention it, clearly it was intended all along... msn-wink.gif I have no intention with actually fielding this army; don't really have the time or money to get back into the game, the last time I played was 3rd edition. I just like building/painting teams with suitably epic poses.

Got a couple more models done - here I presented a few of the Chapter Master's Cronies. I tried to go for an ivory look on the cloaks but it hasn't come out as well as I'd hope. Armed with a few more paints I'll have a crack at the CM, Champion and Standard Bearer soon.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Thankee very much, deathspectersgt7.


Sorry about the lack of update as of late - I am notoriously slow at painting. Until I finish my Chapter Master, I'd love to hear some feedback on these chaps I did. I did them as a sort of Captain with Ceremonial Guard unit - the Aquilakin. Personally I'm quite fond of the jump-pack mounted bolters ;)





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  • 1 year later...

By the powers invested in me by thread necromancy...


I've had the Vanguard set for a year, and haven't finished it. But 3/6 are done, and I'd like to show them off somewhere.




That is a lady Veteran Sergeant, because why the heck not (apart from all the fluff reasons...)

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