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How large is the post heresey Death Guard?


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On the 40k wiki article about The Lord's of Decay, it states that the Death Guard have grown significantly larger since the heresy, and they always seem to field large amounts of marines, such as on Vraks and Pluto. So I was wondering how large they would be by 40k.
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The Death Guard supposedly remained a largely intact legion after the Heresy much like the Night Lords. When talking legion numbers however it's hard to say exactly, things move strangely in the warp and it's impossible to give the exact numbers of any one legion, but at least 100,000.


It's important to keep an mind scale in the 41st millennium, while the Slave Wars were devastating Chaos has been using the last 10,000 years to grow in power by raiding Geneseed stocks and converting loyalist chapters. When one talks about the legions falling apart in cohesion it's safe to conclude it extends to organization rather then numbers, the World Eaters a supposedly shattered legion was capable of fielding 50,000 bezerkers during the first war for Armageddon as an example.


I tend to go with the assumption that the combined warbands of the Chaos Legions are more powerful then ever by the 13th black crusade, it's impossible to pin exact numbers on how huge each one is.

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Its extremely hard to say, and we will probably never know.  But, the statement is most likely true because of the unity, determination, resistances, and loving embrace of nurgle's gifts makes them one of two traitor legion to grow in numbers(black legion is the other imo). 

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IA seems to favor DG warbands next to Khornate ones. Coupled with the resilience and overall joviality in Nurgle keeping his pawns alive, I think sufficiently that DG Warbands, whether rogue, loyal to Mortrarion or Typhus, or those defecting to the BL are rather large (lul).


We'll never know even with HH speculation with their losses during the Crusade and Heresy. As the Destroyer Virus made PMs are primarily touched on by DG or BL sorcerers, their recruitment could be speculated at a higher than standard Warband induction, or worse.

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On the 40k wiki article about The Lord's of Decay, it states that the Death Guard have grown significantly larger since the heresy, and they always seem to field large amounts of marines, such as on Vraks and Pluto. So I was wondering how large they would be by 40k.

Dude. The Pluto thing is fanfiction.

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