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Inquisitor Henchmen in Land Speeder Storm?


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So playing against Fire Dragons in Venoms had me thinking:


Can I get an Allied SM Scout Squad with Land Speeder Storm Dedicated Transport - then disembark them in the First Turn and have my OM TDA with PsyCannon and 3 Special Weapon Acolytes board the Land Speeder Storm instead?


Then, I'm assuming I can Jink the LSS while the passengers still fire at full Ballistic per BRB RAW as Dark Eldar does with their Venoms / Raiders?


Similarly I'm assuming I can have Death Cult Assassins also board and Assault out of the LSS instead if I wanted to?


Edit - Spelling

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LSS can only Embark passengers wearing Scout Armour. So, even though IG MT's wear the same level of armour, they cannot mount either. Even though DCA are basically naked (when it comes to Armour), they cannot Embark.


Oh whoops, I had failed to notice that.


You win this round Dark Eldar! But just wait....

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