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Jump or Transport Death Company?


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The Vanguard are a fun idea but they are neither more efficient nor more resilient when dealing with any type of unit than something like a drop-podded Sternguard squad..  Efficiency wise I think they rate worse than even Tactical Terminators with a flamer, which says a lot.

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Wowsa, been a little while since I have looked at points values but that is a lot wacko.png I guess you pay premium for the instant threat and power they provide but as you said sterngaurd are probably more useful overall.

Hopefully another unit that will see some price reductions in the new codex!

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Last three games I've used them on foot, with a couple of powerweapons, a fist and some chainsword grunts as cannonfodder. Put 8 of them and a Reclusiarch in a stormraven to keep them safe until needed. It's actually very interesting to see how much havoc these can wreck, especially if they show up a bit later in the game.

Last game I used my Baals and my Assault Marines to harrass some wolfguard terminators and thunder cavalry, just forcing a lot of saves to whittle them down before the inevitable charge. Mass charging with 4 units at the same time basically tied my opponent's forces up, and the Death Company went for the Wolf Lord on his mount. Basically evaporated the 2 remaining wolves and the lord as well.

Jump Packs I've been a huge fan of in the past, but their horrenduous point costs have kept me from buying them any in the last couple of games. Should the Blood Angels, as I think they're ought to, gain a special rule akin to the Raven Guard chapter tactics regarding jump packs, I'd equip them with jps again. Until that point, footslogging/raving it is.

What ever way you want to get them across the board, always, always, use a Chaplain/Reclusiarch. There's no such thing as overkill.

Sounds good! By on foot do you mean jump packs/ transport? Or literally just slogging the difficult terrain?

I really hope we get some nice point reductions to bring us in line and then either some reliable furious charge (maybe even sang priests providing the +1I back?) and then something to make Decent of angels a little more enmasse and useful!

How are Vanguard assault squads fairing? Assaulting from deep strike sounds very powerful, but I imagine they are very costly!

By on foot I meant no jump packs, but probably in a transport. Just the best value really. As I said, I loved the JPs just for the rule of cool, but with random charge distances I can't really fancy them. Especially when the Raven Guard get a chapter tactic that should, by right, belong to the sons of the Angel.

As others said, Vanguards are insanely pricey. I like the idea of charging after deepstrike, but I fear that with the new codex, we'll lose that ability, while their prices will drop drastically. On the other hand, GW does want to sell the kits, so perhaps buffing the VAS in a new marine codex instead of downgrading them to better-than-some assault troops might be the way to go for them.

Anyways. DC are great. I hope they keep their 5 attacks on the charge. biggrin.png


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