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I don't know, so far the only crap dread release I've seen is that Word Bearers. Almost no ornamentation at all. It's just so..... bland. Meanwhile the Raven Guard get a dread with a bad censored.gif Samoan tribal design? Heck to the censored.gif yeah!

Yeah but that makes it Carcharodons, not Raven Guard. Plus I don't like the Samoan look anyway.

I can understand that. I mean, Forge World did give the Space Sharks an origin within the Raven Guard's Terran past, so it is a Raven Guard dread. But it is a Terran dread, and not one a Deliverance dread, which is what virtually all Raven Guard fans likely most want, even if you do like the Terran one as well (which I do).

Eh. Prisoners like to get tattoos so I'm not exactly all "Tattoos can't possibly be from a society based on liberated prisoner-slaves! Some of whom were imprisoned for actual crimes!" So I'm not that worried about it. Then again, I've come to realize that except for a few key points, I'm not all that big on the fluff having to be concrete solid. I kind of like it fluid. It allows for more archetypes. Someone with the right imagination can probably make this dread a Deliverance RG with a very colorful history. So I'd end with "to each their own, but don't let your opinion decide how things should be done, nor should you let it ruin someone else's fun."

I don't know, so far the only crap dread release I've seen is that Word Bearers. Almost no ornamentation at all. It's just so..... bland. Meanwhile the Raven Guard get a dread with a bad censored.gif Samoan tribal design? Heck to the censored.gif yeah!

Yeah but that makes it Carcharodons, not Raven Guard. Plus I don't like the Samoan look anyway.

I can understand that. I mean, Forge World did give the Space Sharks an origin within the Raven Guard's Terran past, so it is a Raven Guard dread. But it is a Terran dread, and not one a Deliverance dread, which is what virtually all Raven Guard fans likely most want, even if you do like the Terran one as well (which I do).

Especially because the Terrans were as good as expelled and sent to the far reaches of the galaxy

I don't know, so far the only crap dread release I've seen is that Word Bearers. Almost no ornamentation at all. It's just so..... bland. Meanwhile the Raven Guard get a dread with a bad censored.gif Samoan tribal design? Heck to the censored.gif yeah!

Yeah but that makes it Carcharodons, not Raven Guard. Plus I don't like the Samoan look anyway.

I can understand that. I mean, Forge World did give the Space Sharks an origin within the Raven Guard's Terran past, so it is a Raven Guard dread. But it is a Terran dread, and not one a Deliverance dread, which is what virtually all Raven Guard fans likely most want, even if you do like the Terran one as well (which I do).

Especially because the Terrans were as good as expelled and sent to the far reaches of the galaxy

Or used as fodder at Gate 42.


I don't know, so far the only crap dread release I've seen is that Word Bearers. Almost no ornamentation at all. It's just so..... bland. Meanwhile the Raven Guard get a dread with a bad censored.gif Samoan tribal design? Heck to the censored.gif yeah!

Yeah but that makes it Carcharodons, not Raven Guard. Plus I don't like the Samoan look anyway.
I can understand that. I mean, Forge World did give the Space Sharks an origin within the Raven Guard's Terran past, so it is a Raven Guard dread. But it is a Terran dread, and not one a Deliverance dread, which is what virtually all Raven Guard fans likely most want, even if you do like the Terran one as well (which I do).
Eh. Prisoners like to get tattoos so I'm not exactly all "Tattoos can't possibly be from a society based on liberated prisoner-slaves! Some of whom were imprisoned for actual crimes!" So I'm not that worried about it. Then again, I've come to realize that except for a few key points, I'm not all that big on the fluff having to be concrete solid. I kind of like it fluid. It allows for more archetypes. Someone with the right imagination can probably make this dread a Deliverance RG with a very colorful history. So I'd end with "to each their own, but don't let your opinion decide how things should be done, nor should you let it ruin someone else's fun."

Hey, I do like that dread, and I certainly see what you are saying about tattoos being a thing in other cultures/subgroups.

But it is a Terran dread. Period. Nobody is saying Deliverance folk don't have tats or anything. It's that the tattoos are definitely from the Terran part of the Legion. Unless Deliverance folk happened to use the same tattoos, which would be lame. They look nice, but give these guys something a bit more their own. Not everyone might be happy about the fact that they aren't getting a true Raven dread without converting.

As a Terran dread of the XIX, I think it looks awesome. But I am hoping we will see one that has an appearance in keeping with those born of Deliverance, because that dread didn't satisfy that desire. It satisfied a different desire, one I didn't know I had until seeing it. The Sons of Horus dread didn't satisfy my desire to see a Raven Guard dread either, know what I mean?

It has nothing to do with ruining another's fun (and that honestly came across as a fishing attempt, though I wouldn't expect that of you).

No, it wasn't a fishing attempt. It was literally that I can see it going across as both a Terran and a Deliverance thing. Not because they have the same tattoos, but because some of the more brutal Deliverance would probably look at their Terran counterparts and go, "Hey, that's cool. I think I might get in on that." Like Heathens' Skinwalkers. Does that really strike anyone as something that would pop up in a bunch of prisoner-slaves as a part of their culture of being imprisoned? Not really. But combine the pre-Corax and the post-Corax XIX, and BAM, cultural fusion.


So what I was saying is that yes, you and Komrk can choose to see the Dread as a Terran only thing. But respect mine(and anyone else who thinks along the same idea, or even an altogether idea) enough to not tell us we can't have it. Not that I am saying you are, but that we should all be respectful enough of each other, which is something I think the board finally tries to promote. The Chaos forums are finally for the most part clean from the rigid "My way or the highway" views that made it such a negative place. I just don't want to see that creep into the Heresy forums because you say tow-may-toe and I say tah-maw-toe.

Well, we have been quite good with the "Its a damn Legion, do whatever the :cuss: you want and don't let anyone tell you otherwise" bit.


So I don't really fear that happening here. If it does, well, our mods are Heathens and Honda. So, between ZEAL and Phosphex, such thinking wouldn't last all that long :P

Wait a minute, looking at the timeline, it places the Battle of Molech back in the second year of the Heresy. Am I the only one that strikes wrong for some reason?


I always imagined it being at the same time as the Declaration of the Imperium Secundus

No blue on Carcharadons buddy. All space shark grey tongue.png

The above picture is deceptive, or I am an idiot.

Both are applicable.


The painter FFG hired for that artwork did use a very whitish grey and a very bluish black for the shoulders, so it's a completely understandable mistake. And that axe.

No blue on Carcharadons buddy. All space shark grey tongue.png

The above picture is deceptive, or I am an idiot.

Both are applicable.


Not your fault, really. Lots of Greys tend to look blue-ish. Especially next to an off-white.

Well Scars was already supposed to be early and Molech being so early would explain why Mortarion's armor still had battle damage from his fight with the Khan, but I'm pretty sure there was mention of events that don't take place until the 3rd year of the Heresy. Although I can't seem to think of any specific examples. Needless to say, I too thought it had been later on in the Heresy. Year 4 to be precise.

Quote from philbrad2 from warseer




Right to embellish on the FW seminar having sat in the 11.30 event today 

2 New Marine Flyer - Not mentioned by name but 'considerably large' was the comment Tony Cotterill made, he wouldn't be drawn further that this or name variants but we know its going to be a Stormbird http://www.warseer.com/forums/warseer/images/smilies/smile.png 
New Dreadnought - Not a new variant of existing Dread patterns but a new pattern sitting between a Contemptor and Knight. Dreadknight sized??? 

Propero - Some time off as it would involve all new armies, Wolves, 1K Sons, Sisters of Silence and Custodes. 
Solar Auxilia - Not the IG in 30K very different tactics, weaponry and vehicles. Will be expanded further in future HH books. Ogryns planned for the Solar Auxilia too
Kurze/Sevatar - More or less finished may be out by end of 2014. Room voted on next Primarch and Alpharius was mentioned - do not take this to mean he'll be next. 
Dark Mechanicum - Don't expect lots of Daemon infested killing machines anytime soon they are currently at the stage of being a Traitor force, use of alien and warp fueled/piloted machines won't come til much later. 
Daemons - Plans for more types of Daemon models in the future, Signus tie in here? There are a plethora of daemon species and whilst GW cover the common types FW are happy to look at additional types, Daemon Princes and some of the named Daemons found in the series. 
Knights Errant - No current plans to shoehorn them in but a possibility for future books. 
Next IA Book - Possibly Tau, ties in with the rumour of a Tau super heavy. 
Word Bearers - With the next HH book starting to look much more like 'Chaos' Space Marines, with skulls spikes etc... much more focus on specific chapters within the legion possibly some more chaosy models. 
UltraMarines - Very much not the 40K 'vanilla' marines, legion numbering around 250,000 several armies with the legion very much running as specialist armies/chapters than squads. The Invictus are Guillemans' personal guard, very much an elite army strength with the UM's - think 40K Marneus's honour guard in 30K, but many more of them. 


another picture of the invictus:



Praetor pattern helmets


Well Scars was already supposed to be early and Molech being so early would explain why Mortarion's armor still had battle damage from his fight with the Khan, but I'm pretty sure there was mention of events that don't take place until the 3rd year of the Heresy. Although I can't seem to think of any specific examples. Needless to say, I too thought it had been later on in the Heresy. Year 4 to be precise.

I think you meant the Shadow Crusade and Fulgrim turning into a Daemon Prince


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