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Fantasy Gutrot & Blightkings -


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So the next Warhammer Fantasy end times book is coming, and it seems the forces of Nurgle will feature heavily as the Plaguefather rouses himself to oppose the Great Necromancer.

Pre-orders are up for Gutrot and the nurgle Blight Kings - nurgle tainted monstrous infantry, and while not a 40k release, they do seem like they might find a place in 40k chaos marine or chaos renegade armies as conversion fodder for nurgle spawn or blighted ogtryns.  What do you think?  The blightkings are $55(us) for a box of five, which is actually rather reasonable from GW for ogre sized models, near the ppm of ironguts (ie, pricier than ogre bulls, but a lot cheaper than chaos spawn or crypt horrors).  Gutrot's a bit pricier at us$26, but for a ogre sized special character that is, again, remarkable reasonable by GW standards (ogre kingdoms heroes, by comparison, are generally us$40).





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Nice. I went to look at them and saw the Morghast units. They look they are about the size of a Daemon Prince. Anyone know if they are?
If so, 2 DPS for $60 is pretty good and theyd make great Malal DPs. If not guess I just need the heads after all.

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I do find that GW have a fondness for nurgle that is peculiar, nearly every nurgle figure ever produced has been widely well received, their units are widely used as durability is a huge benefit, even if the figures used show little connection to the grandfather. I think it stems from having such a clear aesthetic, barring khorne slaanesh and tzeentch are too vague to define in miniature format, their very description is that they defy description and comprehension, which is tricky to nail down in plastic, these things are so open to the interpretation that any defined image or figure will divide opinion. Yet it is impossible to go back and retcon that as the uproar would be palpable. Damned if they do damned if they don't.
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