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Nostraman naming. Night Lord names and culture to steal from

Noctem Cultor

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Hi to all in Midnight Clad!


Just put together my Night lord Praetor and only have a nickname The Untainted. I have spent a few hours in the back of my head today trying to think of a name but struggled to find a Night Lord sounding one.


So I ask apart from recycling names is there a culture that the names are pulled or based on? For example the Space Wolves names have a Norse Scandinavian influence.


Any thoughts and ideas welcome!

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I just took a Wikipedia trip over to the Mesopotamian Deities pages and well they decently have some Night Lord sounding names.




Good call, not sure of that's the inspiration used but sounds close, that I think its a great place to start.


I did Google search on known Night Lords from ADB books and found a mix

Talos - Greek Name

Uzas - Croatian Word

Xarl - Made up

Mercution - Made up

Cyrion - Armenian Saint

Vandred - Made up

Sevatar - Made up


So most of the names appear to be inspired/made up.

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