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if charged by second unit?


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ok so I must missing something completley obvious so I am going to sound stupid but oh well. If I charge an enemy unit and at the end of combat neither retreat so they are locked n combat. And on my opponents turn he charges with another unit into the same melee do I resolve the combat of the first battle that is still locked and then start all over when the new unit gets there? If my models have a higher initaive as my oppenents models do I get to strike first again with that combat or are all of my attacks spent on the first combat?


I hope that is not too confusing and sorry again for the dumb dumb question. I have never actually ran into this situation in the games tha tI have played to this point. wierd.

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The Assault phase is divided into two parts.  First is the Charge sub-phase.  During this phase you declare charges and move your models.  Once all charges have been resolved you than move into the fight sub-phase.  First you choose a combat and then resolve it before moving onto the next one.


If I understand your situation correctly your opponent charged into an ongoing combat.  Once his second unit has moved into btb contact with your unit (and all other charge moves resolved) you than move to the fight sub-phase which is resolved like any other combat with multiple units (pg 54 in the main rule book.) 

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