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Charlo's Successor Chapter: -Symbol Brainstorm-


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I just gave the whole thread a reread, maybe you could incorporate your original idea with the bull theme. Magmataurs? :p


On a more serious note, Bulls of Magmaros is one off the top of my head. Maybe the first chapter master was named Magmaros, or there is a massive volcano called Magmaros on the planet your chapter hails from that all members of the chapter are required to make multiple pilgrimages to during their service. Or going with the Hades idea, you could have the Abyssal Bulls (Minotaurs, Steer, etc.) as a name. Another name that comes to mind is the Gilded Horns, maybe your chapter wears horns of gold on their helmets as an act of reverence for the Bull, which could be the chief of their homeworld's tribal pantheon?


Just a few ideas that may or may not be very good!

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Tiberius you have actually read my mind on a lot of that stuff you posted! What foul warp magic are you using sorcerer?


Gilded horns is very nice as it fits my idea for the symbol well (Golden Blood drop with horns) and also has the nice "regal but savage" feel blood angel names often have to them. I was looking for an alternative to midas to represent gold. Plus gold is the main colour of my DC.


Abyssal is a great word too, very descriptive and fits that I have a black colour scheme.


One bit of fluff I was going to have was that the chapter has only one suit of TDA to begin with that is in the masters armoury. The rest are gained from defeating a traitor terminator in combat and then purifying and reforging thier TDA from corruption in a mixture of the heat from the Chapter's main homeworld volcano and the blood coffins that contain a trace of Sanguinius' blood. So the "gilded" word also plays into this.

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Tiberius you have actually read my mind on a lot of that stuff you posted! What foul warp magic are you using sorcerer?


Gilded horns is very nice as it fits my idea for the symbol well (Golden Blood drop with horns) and also has the nice "regal but savage" feel blood angel names often have to them. I was looking for an alternative to midas to represent gold. Plus gold is the main colour of my DC.


Abyssal is a great word too, very descriptive and fits that I have a black colour scheme.


One bit of fluff I was going to have was that the chapter has only one suit of TDA to begin with that is in the masters armoury. The rest are gained from defeating a traitor terminator in combat and then purifying and reforging thier TDA from corruption in a mixture of the heat from the Chapter's main homeworld volcano and the blood coffins that contain a trace of Sanguinius' blood. So the "gilded" word also plays into this.

I have commited no such witchery! I do not read minds, I am not a cursed witchkin! :p


I took a good ten minutes throwing around adjectives and nouns in my head and picked the ones that sounded damn cool (yes, I said them aloud with different levels of dramatic intonation). Being a bit Spanish probably makes me biased towards names that involve bulls or their horns, but those one's sounded the best to me! haha

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Well then it seems you are the man to help me for sure! I too confess to pretty much saying this phrase in a deep and angry voice for any chapter "Charlo Hades, Supreme Lord Commander Commander of the XXXX"


So far Gilded Horns sounds badass like that.

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Well then it seems you are the man to help me for sure! I too confess to pretty much saying this phrase in a deep and angry voice for any chapter "Charlo Hades, Supreme Lord Commander Commander of the XXXX"


So far Gilded Horns sounds badass like that.

That one is my favourite aswell!

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Sagittarii is pretty dammed neat!

Thank you brother, your discussion about centaurs reminded me of a segment from Horus Rising where the Emperor talked with Horus about the ancient symbolism of the "Dreadful Sagittary" and it's place as the perfect hunter, horse and mounted archer so perfect in harmony that myth had blended them into one being.

That also links the name to the Sagittarii of ancient Rome, an infantry or cavalry unit that was specialised for archery.

If you choose it as the chapter name perhaps their heraldry could be the astrological symbol for the Sagittarius constellation (Ninth constellation for a descendant of the Ninth Legion, yay theming!) , the Archer:


Red Bulls (I regret nothing)

So thats how Sanguinius got his wings! msn-wink.gif

Of course! Alas, the formulae for the sacred liquid was forever lost during the anarchy of the Age of Strife, thus only the Primarch recieved his blessed wings after a single can, adrift upon the tides of the warp, collided with his incubation capsule during it's flight through the immaterium. tongue.pnglaugh.png

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  • 3 months later...

Been a while and after some thinking I've changed my mind on how I want the chapter to be, could just be flavor of the month in my mind but who knows!


Currently toying with my chapter being seekers and keepers of Relics; tech, lore, armour, weapons - anything, especially to do with BA. It's a little blood raveny, but it fits the theme of artificers and such.


Might dial down the always angry part of the fluff I had and really pour into the artificing/ researching as a way to stave off the thirst.


This would make them not on everyones good sides and because of how they protect the forges of their system the Chapter Master levies some of them in the production/ restoration of old tech (all sanctioned things though, no heresy here!) like relic tanks and dreads etc.


As such I'm currently digging "Sanguine Vessels" as a name, in reference to Blood Chalices and other such relics - also fits with my DC fluff well with them being venerated by the rest of the chapter.


Been wanting to have a difference in my Sanguinary Guard and I've been acquiring Chaplain models. To keep all of these relics safe the chapter will have a "Relic Guard" consisting of lower ranked Chaplains, all drawn from a larger than normal Reclusiam. I'm hoping to edit all the models where possible to have Angelus Bolters, how to represent thier normal weapons as Swords or Axes is currently beyond me, but i'll find a way!


Thoughts, brothers?


The bull theme is a bit abandoned at the moment, but I do apreciate all of the help you guys gave me, maybe i'll implement it into a unit - such as the Chariot's I'm going to be making ;)

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The Blooded Bulls, perhaps? The hardest thing I always find is getting a name with the right cadence. Typically, two syllables and then one works fairly well, or vice versa. Blood An-Gels, Ra-Ven Guard, I-Ron Hands, so on and so forth.

My current name is Sanguine Owls, or Blood Owls. The latter is my preferred, but it doesn't quite have the cadence,

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I totally agree on the Cadence, I've spent hours mouthing potential chapter names go try and get that right!


Moving away from the Bull theme now though I think, it's not the Chapter I want to play I think. Take my last post as the basis from here on out!


Maybe I'll do a bit of a big writeup/word dump of new ideas in the first post.

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Okay so while walking the hound I had a bit of an idea dump that seemingly all linked together to form a basis for the Chapter. This will mostly be vomit of the word variety but i'm jotting it down before I forget myself! It's written in a somewhat narrative style but also bits in note form. You have been warned :P


The Flaw is manifested in a unique way within the chapter, this could be for a number of reasons, anything from simple mutation over time or tinkering from the Sanguinary Priests etc.


Sanguinius has incredible precognition and was known for his visions of the future and the works he created from them, for my successor they seemed to have all gained a slither of this ability. The visions they experience are usually fragmented and meaningless, except one - thier own demise.


During initiation, when the blood of the Primarch is infused into the recruits as they slumber in stasis coffin's at the final stages of their transformation every Marine will experience a vision of their death. They will not know the circumstances or sometimes even any real specific's, but be it at the hands of a confirmed foe or a symbolic spectre, they know the end will, eventually, come for them.


Initially the chapter got off to a rocky start as they tried to fight against the visions, in an effort to escape thier doom - but death comes for all, every time a brother had cheated what they knew in their heart should've been thier end, they instead suffer a far worse and dishonorable death. The Black Rage would take them and take them hard, friend and foe indistinguishable, the marines who cheated thier initial fate would always snap at but a moments notice, erupting in a whirlwind of rage, leaving nothing but the strewn bodies of anyone and anything that crossed them, unstoppable, consumed by the blood lust they had given everything to keep in check. Emperor help them if one such as a Librarian succumbed, there stand to record a single black incident of this and it is recorded in the halls of the Fortress Monastery but never spoken of.


At the point, the widespread nature of the visions was not known, no one had particularly spoken up about it.


With these outbursts growing in number, as well as the losses that are to be naturally accounted for in battle as well as inducting brothers into the death company the chapters fighting strength was rapidly declining. The command elements of the chapter came together to discuss options for moving forward. With much research and cooperation between the Librarius, Reclusiam and Sanguinary Priesthood it is soon discovered that every member of the chapter was having the visions of their demise, but more importantly trying to avoid it.


Basically they came to the conclusion that their deaths should be embraced and as keepers of death, the Reclusiam would record the visions of every new brother marine as he experienced them as to learn for the future members of the chapter. It became standard protocol on the eve of battle for brother marines who felt that thier vision would come to pass to induct themselves into the death company as to give themselves wholly to the Primarch and the Emperor and accept their fate. Marines who did this underwent a stark transformation, instead of the normal insatiable and bloodthirsty rage-fueled beasts of other Death Company, they we're almost completely Zen. The eyes were blank and distant, as if in a completely different world. In battle though, they were a force to be reckoned with, infused with not just the rage of the Primarch, but also his glory, grace & wisdom, this Death Company seemed to flow through the ranks of the enemy, effortlessly dispatching of foes as if they we're Sanguinius himself.


This lead to a new era for the chapter and a unique view on the Death Company; to praise them, use them as an example of the ultimate sacrifice, total devotion to the Primarch.


I'm now toying with this leading into the formation of what will be known as "The Sanguine Cult" in the chapter, which will link into the relic seeking of my previous post. As they venerate Sanguinius so much the chapter is obsessed with any sort of relic or scrap of information of his possessions etc so they tirelessly quest for such artefacts, often finding other tech along the way.



Sorry its a bit of a mess, just brainstorming. I'm now trying to think of a way to tie in what will essentially be Ravenwing on the table top. Possibly something like the leaders of the aforementioned quests/ crusades for anything Sanguinius, might call them Grail Knights as it seems fluffy enough!

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  • 2 months later...

Been toying around in Photoshop trying to get a chapter symbol for my current naming trail of thought, Sanguine Visions.


What do my brothers think? At the moment I think the bleeding golden skull looks the best, but the standard imperial skull is very uninspired. Maybe if I can get a vector resembling a Deathmask?



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Personally, I agree about the golden skull - I think that is the direction to take rather than the eyes. To me, the eyes look a teeny bit too much like the eye of Horus.


Aye, it was based on that originally!


Developing the skull, how about this - based on the deathmask idea I talked about...



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Unless you plan on either sculpting shoulder pads or making decals (both entirely plausible endeavors, mind you), I think there might be a bit too much detail on the death masks, especially for 28mm models. Have you considered simplifying them a bit, perhaps showing just the eyes and mouth (with the blood drop, of course)? And the addition of the laurel might be reserved as either an honour or a veteran/officer marking variant.


I also think that the eye versions are too evocative of the Eye of Horus and recommend avoiding that path.

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