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Multiple charge


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I played my first game after 7-8 years of pause at least...

I know ruless more or less.  But I still have some rules questions.

1.There was a situation in my last game, where his unit of around 10 bikes(samael and wite scars smash :cusser were in this unit) charged first my 10 man grey hunter unit, then my 5 man combat squad and then my 3 centurions and hq. Can he charge so many units just like that and lock them in combat? After combat I brok with 2 of my units, and se remained locked in cc with bikes, but there were bikes like 6-7'' from combat, which still couldn't be shoot at.

Also with like 3 bikes, he charges my 5man unit and then also goes in cc with drop pod few inches away with 1 bike, who remains each round in combat with this drop pod and automatically hit it with granade?


Those 2+ cover save bikes are pain in the ass...almost my whole army shoots at this unit and I kill 1-2 bikes....

When raiding bike, you can get +1 attack from bolt pistol and sword? (thus samael having 4 attacks in cc)


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If he's engaging all those units with one charge he must declare so before rolling to charge as any unit declared as a target of a charge (whether primary or secondary) is allowed to overwatch (unless they have slow and purposeful).  He can only engage units that are within range of at least 1 charging model.  He also automatically counts as making a disordered charge, so gets no bonuses for charging.


Investing in some ignores cover weapons would be a good idea in this case.  A Land Raider Redeemer (or two) could ruin his day.  Alternatively melee allows no cover saves.  But this isn't a rules issue.  The Tactica sub-forum may offer more detailed advice.


Riding a bike has no effect on a model having 2 melee weapons in close combat.  So, yes, a model on a bike with 2 Melee Weapons (or 2 Specialist Weapons) gains +1 Attack.

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1.There was a situation in my last game, where his unit of around 10 bikes(samael and wite scars smash :cusser were in this unit) charged first my 10 man grey hunter unit, then my 5 man combat squad and then my 3 centurions and hq. Can he charge so many units just like that and lock them in combat? After combat I brok with 2 of my units, and se remained locked in cc with bikes, but there were bikes like 6-7'' from combat, which still couldn't be shoot at.

Also with like 3 bikes, he charges my 5man unit and then also goes in cc with drop pod few inches away with 1 bike, who remains each round in combat with this drop pod and automatically hit it with granade?

If all this was one squad charged all those units, I'd be surprised, but I guess it depends on how they were laid out on the field. When doing a multiple charge, one has to try and get in to base to base with the Primary target, it's only if a model cannot reach them, but can reach any secondaries, that the secondaries can be engaged.


And as Dam13n said, they all have to be announced, you cannot decide later to charge a unit you find out you can Engage, and the chargers would lose the Charging bonus attack.

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Well, space wolf unit was spread in 2 rows of 5 men, few inches to the left was 5man squad, and another few inches to the right where centurions with CM were...he spread out those bikes quite a bit, but I am quite certain that he could have engaged more of the space wolf guys with his bikes. Okay, so he MUST engage every possible model from the unit he announces charge to, and only when there are no models left to charge in primary charge unit, or if his odels can't reach them, he can charge other units, right?

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Well, space wolf unit was spread in 2 rows of 5 men, few inches to the left was 5man squad, and another few inches to the right where centurions with CM were...he spread out those bikes quite a bit, but I am quite certain that he could have engaged more of the space wolf guys with his bikes. Okay, so he MUST engage every possible model from the unit he announces charge to, and only when there are no models left to charge in primary charge unit, or if his odels can't reach them, he can charge other units, right?

Correct. This is listed under Multiple Combats > Charge Sub-phase > Move Initial Charger, second paragraph. This has not changed from 6th Edition.

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