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CSM Daemon Prince painting question


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I was curious, how would i best be able to paint up a daemon prince so it could potentially be a daemon of any of the chaos gods?


I'm not 100% on the fluff, but would a Word Bearer colour scheme be appropriate? as in they're chaos undivided, so could have marks and whatnot from any god? (ive already planned on painting up some possessed as Word Bearers, though as slaanesh with pinky/purple mutation/daemon skin)


Also does the skin colour matter fluff wise? like can you have black or red demonic skin and have it with tzeentch/Nurgle/slaanesh/khorne?


Basically i managed to get a cheap Daemon Prince and wanted to make it as versatile as possible, i dont really mind if i have to paint it up with generic armour colours and skin, i just dont want it to be all painted up and nice, then have it look wrong for the type i need it.


(The rest of the army is Nurgle theme, was initially planning on just making it a nurgle conversion, but after reading a bit, nurgle seems to not be that good, and tzeentch being the choice option, but not too keen on making him all blue and clashing with the rest lol)



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Depends on the gods they follow and any gifts they were bestowed along the way. Basically the following as a guide for common colours:


Khorne: Red, Black, and Brass.

Nurgle: The colours of rot. Greens, yellows, and browns.

Tzeentch: Eldrich colours. Rich purples, blues, and yellows.

Slaanesh: Pastels, neons, rich materials, patterns, stones, metals, almost anything can be justified.


Some Princes may keep the colours of their old Legion or they may see themselves as above that.

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also a nurgle daemon prince is probably on a par with a tzeentch prince because of the way the wording is on the jink special rule, if the daemon is not flying it can still jink and gets a 2+ cover save from jink and shrouded. obviously you can't get cover saves in combat tho so he won't be as proficient in close combat but what he sacrifices there he make up in the ability to reliably get in combat.      

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So would you recommend to go Nurgle to be a good all-rounder able to take ranged fire better? My worry i guess is the 250-300 odd point cost being snuffed out with a lucky shot lol i'd much prefer him to have to be taken out in an epic close combat fight ;-) also out of all the chaos gods i do have to admit i prefer Nurgle themed, i just didnt want to have him be seriously nerfed and wish i had painted him up as Tzeentch or Khorne (or a more generic non-descriptive colour scheme that could be anything i want).

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Nurgle is better than Tzeentch in this edition though, and both are better than Khorne/Slaanesh for CSM.

Grab some wings, armour and the black mace and enjoy the slaughter! smile.png

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Awesome, thanks for all the replies, I think i will stick with the Nurgle theme, makes it easir since i like how Nurgle units look, and it should make it more interesting to do some greenstuff conversions (also helps a lot that Nurgle is a good choice for Daemon Princes too).


By the way as a follow up question, is it worth just going wings/power armour/black mace/nurgle for close combat? or also throw in Mastery level 1/2/3? and a familiar? or would that be trying to make the prince do too many roles, and instead just stick to specialising as CC?

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Not really looking into making an allied detachment (aside for not wanting to add another army to my ever expanding lists of armies lol, already at 3 fairly large armies, with Blood Angels, CSM and Necrons), Chaos Daemons never really struck me as interesting to collect, I do like the idea of a Chaos Space Marine being given the gift of Daemon Prince after proving his worthiness, not so much for the rest of the daemon type units (guess i just like the space marine style of units and all).


Thanks for the recommendation though, i had seen that the Daemons version of the prince is a little better somewhat.

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Yeah for a CSM prince Nurgle is a really solid choice, paint him to go with the rest of your army imo.


As for giving him psychic powers... I wouldn't bother, personally, since the Nurgle discipline in the CSM codex isn't very good, and he does his job really well as a beatstick already. If you're going psyker-heavy in general, though, it can't hurt.

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