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what colour for Slaanesh DP wings

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A different purple or even pink would be fitting for a Slaanash DP. Actually since the skin is purple I'd say screamer pink maybe. Great thing about Slaanash is that the color choice doesn't have to match, and in fact its better if its a stark contrast as that's the way Slaanash works. Yellows, Pinks, Purples, even a florecent green. Remember that Slaanash is about bright contrasting colors and sensory overload, let your imagination run rampanant when painting his-her followers. Can't wait to see the resualts.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just realised that you went for a colour already, while I was posting a response. For my heldrake(from an enslaved warpfire dragon) I'm going for a lighter version of the normal hide, with veins in the membranes to make it pop a bit?

And to stay more on the topic of demon wings, I'm trying to make a tribute miniature to the old Azazel model(since I can't ever find him on used lots and flea markets with warhammer etc), would it be completely out of order to not give him feathered wings? I'm planning on placing bloodthirster wings on the uppermost joints on a KoS model, using the lower pair of arms to carry a sword and claw.

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